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  1. Business-University collaboration consultation response

    …o represent the innovative and market-leading work of Alliance universities. In the UK’s global, knowledge-based economy, where 80% of new jobs are in high-skill areas and new and growth industries take a high-tech, high-skill and innovative approach, Alliance universities are the critical force in the sector driving the UK’s economic future alongside and in partnership with businesses. University Alliance’s response highlighted the range of mecha…

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  2. Learning lessons from other nations

    …puts the Australian higher education system under the microscope and then compares it to the English one. Both reports conclude that England could learn lessons from the Australian system, particularly on the support offered to students other than first-degree students. It is very hard for those working in government to monitor interesting developments all over the world. So it is the job of organisations like University Alliance and the Higher E…

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  3. The transformational role of design

    …directing the creativity of stakeholders. So design affords us opportunity. In the UK now, there is the opportunity to relook and recognize the value of creativity in education at every level. We need to look further than the so-called ‘creative industries’ for evidence of where and how creativity can deliver economic value. Every part of our lives, from places we live in, to services we need, to the products we use and the clothes we wear can be…

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  4. Times – Big picture, small print in student loan jungle

    …r some clear thinking and simple steps to improve the loan design, bring down the massive subsidy on loans from the government and re-balance the contribution between the state and individual to higher education. This is less complicated than it sounds. You may end up with fees at £6,000 in some parts of the system, but it is strange to know the answer before you’ve done your sums. Read the full letter….

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  5. Decision to lift the cap on ambition has been vindicated

    …a smart choice to ensuring their resilience and success in an increasingly competitive world. “It is pleasing to see that the message is getting out to prospective students that a university education is free at the point of entry and that a degree is still the best option for securing employment. Graduate earnings are on average 57% higher than those who leave education at 18 and it is important that those who have the ability are given the oppor…

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  6. THE – Uncapped numbers: it’s a different story Down Under

    …not get them to worry about the number of student loans flying out the door. “Here in the UK in deepest, darkest January, when our universities minister has just had to mount yet another defence of the ever-growing resource accounting and budgeting (RAB) charge (the proportion of student loans that will never be repaid) to a select committee of MPs, I am keenly aware of the contrasts as well as the similarities that we share with our cousins Down…

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  7. Telegraph – Warning over ‘postcode lottery’ in university admissions

    …cent decline in part-time entrants. “This evidence suggests there has also been a decline in participation in areas of the country that have been hit particularly hard in current economic climate.” Read the full telegraph article here. Libby Hackett also features in a number of articles today including The Evening Standard, Daily Express and Yorkshire Post….

    Read more of: Telegraph – Warning over ‘postcode lottery’ in university admissions