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  1. Oxford Brookes University

    …School, and of the Sinclair building providing new teaching and research laboratories for students and staff in health and life sciences. The investment continues with £220m being spent on refurbishment across its campuses over the next ten years, including a brand new space for engineering, computing and subjects in the creative disciplines….

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  2. University group calls for rethink on social mobility

    …to 70% of our courses professionally accredited and up to 69% of students coming from lower income or under-represented backgrounds.”   -Ends- Notes to editors Media contacts – Sam Jones 07767673982, or Andrew Henry on 07833 236629. The University Alliance response to the Social Mobility and Child Poverty review can be found here. It includes case studies of innovative and creative initiat…

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  3. Doubts raised about PQA and AAB proposals as sector responds to White Paper

    …t Beer, chair of the University Alliance, argued that the proposals could result in fewer places on “high-demand, high-quality courses with good employment outcomes in the mainstream of the sector”. “We are concerned that this won’t lead to a demand led system. We therefore strongly support Hefce and the government’s commitment to monitor the situation and make any necessary changes in 2013-14,” she said. “It is not the case the removal of numbers…

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  4. Telling the story about universities and growth

    …re plenty of statistics we could have referred to. I could tell you that income from knowledge exchange activity between UK universities, business and other users increased by 35% over the last decade or how with a revenue of £23.3 billion in 2007-08, UK higher education generated over £59 billion of output to the UK economy. However, I am hoping that it will be all the more powerful to hear it from BMW, from IBM, from Centrica, from the North Eas…

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  5. Report shows universities need recognition as essential to government’s growth plans

    …are doing fringe events with Vince Cable, David Willetts and other leading commentators.” Sir Patrick Stewart, actor and Chancellor of University of Huddersfield says: “It goes without saying that unless we teach and train the next generation of experts in every field, from science and technology to arts and humanities, then regional growth will be stopped in its tracks.” — end — Notes to editors: Growing the Future’ can be downloaded at: www.unia…

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  6. The value of a degree is worth the investment for individuals and society

    …University Alliance is a group of 23 major, business-engaged universities committed to delivering world-class research and a quality student experience around the UK. They are universities without boundaries: delivering economic and social growth through close links with their research, students and staff and the world around them – locally, nationally and internationally. With representation right across the UK they educate over 25% of all UK st…

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  7. Vince Cable visits Plymouth University to launch the first Regional Growth Fund project

    …University Alliance is a group of 23 major, business-engaged universities committed to delivering world-class research and a quality student experience around the UK. They are universities without boundaries: delivering economic and social growth through close links with their research, students and staff and the world around them – locally, nationally and internationally. With representation right across the UK they educate over 25% of all UK st…

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  8. Welcome to our new site

    …sts from University Alliance staff and members about their work as well as comment on events in higher education, politics and the economy. In Policy & Research you can find our publications, policy briefings and consultation responses. We have an evidence-based approach to policy that looks to find solutions to the many policy challenges faced by University Alliance institutions. News & Media will highlight our appearances in the press and let yo…

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  9. University Alliance response to HEFCE consultation – Higher Education Innovation Funding 2011 – 15

    …iate response to the need now to focus HEIF on the most effective KE performers? Consultation question 2: Are there additional metrics available now that capture the breadth and benefits from KE activity, including activity primarily leading to non- monetised benefits, and that could be used to demonstrate the effectiveness of KE performance and could be collected in a fairly low-burden way? Consultation question 3: Do you have any other comments…

    Read more of: University Alliance response to HEFCE consultation – Higher Education Innovation Funding 2011 – 15