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  1. University Alliance responds to new research which has found that the UK is deeply elitist

    …ry. In response to new research from the Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission which found that the UK is deeply elitist, Prof Steve West, Chair of University Alliance, welcomed this illuminating research. He said: “We totally agree that a lack of diversity in key professions such as politics, media and the judiciary inhibits understanding of the issues facing people from different backgrounds. They are unrepresentative of the public they a…

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  2. University Alliance response to HEPI’s study on removing student number controls

    …problem and creating a sustainable higher education system that is able to grow and meet the demands of a changing, global economy. “The UK needs to ensure it is able to grow the graduate population, as our global competitors continue to do, and to encourage talent from right across society. A degree is still one of the best options for those wanting strong and secure earnings and satisfaction from their careers.”…

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  3. The Times: Let universities buy debts of their graduates, says Willetts

    …and earnings, and strengthen relationships between universities and graduates. Steve West, chairman of the University Alliance, which represents 22 of the newer universities, whose graduates often work in science, technology and start-up companies, responded: “[This] would penalise universities that take students from non-traditional backgrounds, who are more likely to stay within the region they study [usually closer to home to start with] and go…

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  4. Chemistry World: Science minister replaced in UK cabinet reshuffle

    …Professor Steve West, Chair of University Alliance, has been featured in Chemistry World in a story about Greg Clark replacing David Willetts as the new Universities and Science Minister. In the article, Steve welcomed the appointment. ‘The coming months will be critical in thinking about the long-term sustainability and global positioning of UK higher education and we look forward to working with Mr Clark and his team,’ he said in a statement.”…

    Read more of: Chemistry World: Science minister replaced in UK cabinet reshuffle
  5. University Alliance announce global search for new Chief Executive

    …obal Higher Education business goes from strength to strength. I am deeply committed to the success of universities, which depends on outstanding leadership in all senior positions across these institutions. I am excited about the new challenges involved alongside the experience I hope to bring to this role.” Dan Perrett and Simon Laver, co-founders of Perrett Laver, said: “We are delighted to welcome someone of Libby’s calibre and reputation to o…

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    Libby Hackett
  6. H.E.L.P. UK A new vision for funding higher education in the UK

    …omic modelling and​ shaped by the views of students and parents from newly commissioned research. H.E.L.P. UK offers clear thinking and simple steps to​ enabling universal access to student loans​,​​ bringing down the massive ​cost of the current loans​ system and re-balancing the contribution between Government and the individual to higher education. Join us for the launch and make sure to have your say in this contentious debate. Register your p…

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  7. THE – Private providers ‘need closer monitoring’, says Alliance report

    …have links with degree awarding bodies”. In addition, “there is almost no comparable information about these providers’ satisfaction, retention or employability rates.” The report cautions against “centrally-imposed minimum entry requirements” when the student numbers cap is lifted in 2015-16 – a change that is likely to lead to an extra 60,000 students entering the system, according to Treasury estimates. Libby Hackett, chief executive of Univer…

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  8. A socially mobile society is essential for a dynamic UK

    …o see people falling down than moving up. It also means that if we want to complete globally we need to advance our science and technology and create more graduate jobs to accommodate this new world. Graduate jobs are changing; the old professions are disappearing or needing to be transformed (what is the future of journalism when ‘news’ and ‘information’ is in real time and ubiquitous?). As new graduate jobs are created and new knowledge is devel…

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