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  1. CSR: Skills for new growth

    …rowing demand for higher skills. The cap on student numbers must remain off. Access. Student Opportunity Funding enables universities to attract and support disadvantaged students. Maintaining the fund will boost both social mobility and the supply of skills. Teaching excellence. The new Teaching Excellence Framework must recognise differences between higher education providers, encourage innovation and incentivise universities to share good pract…

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  2. Guardian HE Network: It’s foolish to argue that we don’t need so many graduates in the UK

    …workers to have completed some form of higher education at level 4 or above. If the UK is to build a strong economic future around a hi-tech economy, it will require highly skilled graduates and technicians…” “…Even in the short-term, there are problems with the CIPD survey. It is not truly reflective of the current market because it is based on European Social Survey data from 2010, when the job market was much bleaker for graduates. The Higher E…

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    Students at Plymouth University
  3. University Alliance responds to CIPD report on graduates in the labour market

    …that graduates earn almost £10,000 a year more than people without degrees. “The UK economy is a knowledge economy with most new jobs in high skill areas. The Association of Graduate Recruiters’ (AGR) predicted an 11.9% rise in vacancies this year. If we want businesses to innovate and grow, we need more, not fewer, highly skilled graduates. “Alliance universities are responding by offering practice-based, industry-focused courses which give our…

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  4. HE and FE Show 2015

    …ir of the Universities UK Group on Efficiency. Maddalaine’s speech, from 10.10 – 10.25am, will cover “Challenger Institutions: The Evolving Entrepreneurial Role of Universities”. Exploring how the role of universities will be shaped in uncertain economic and political climates The role of challenger institutions, furthering innovation and enterprise Supporting competitiveness and ensuring university research and innovation ecosystems thrive A new…

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  5. Overall student satisfaction increases for Alliance universities

    …ositive to see high levels of student satisfaction being maintained within UK higher education. This shows that the sector is working hard to deliver a quality experience for students who are, quite rightly, keen to ensure they get the most out of their time at university. “It is especially true at Alliance universities where we are committed to providing the excellent teaching critical to creating the world’s future leaders and problem solvers. T…

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  6. Wonkhe: Finding new ways to measure graduate success

    …idence. Integrity is one of the great strengths of higher education in the UK. In the age of the TEF this will be best protected by putting the chosen metrics as far as possible beyond the reach of either error or gaming by individual institutions. Given the record in other sectors over the last two decades it would show extraordinary confidence in universities not to do so if that choice is available. This would surely represent a triumph of fait…

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  7. University Alliance responds to the Emergency Budget

    …orward to working with the Government to work out how this can best be done. “We welcome the measures to ensure that all students with the ability and aspiration to attend university can do so. We have long supported the removal of the student numbers cap. While we would have preferred increased maintenance grants, we recognise that the government’s commitment to reducing the deficit means that hard choices have to be made. Although the devil will…

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  8. High quality teaching is vital for student success

    …need to feel confident that a new regime will maintain the quality of the UK higher education system. “Alongside this consultation, the Government has committed to introduce a framework to recognise universities offering the highest quality teaching. We are running a policy seminar next month to explore how to get this right – to incentivise teaching excellence and encourage innovation so that students gain the knowledge and skills to succeed in…

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