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  1. Business-University collaboration consultation response

    Image by Trey Ratcliff We have submitted our response to the Commons Review on Business-University collaboration and are delighted to represent the innovative and market-leading work of Alliance universities. In the UK’s global, knowledge-based economy, where 80% of new jobs are in high-skill areas and new and growth industries take a high-tech, high-skill and innovative approach, Alliance universities are the critical force in the sector driving…

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  2. Learning lessons from other nations

    …iverse range of providers? How can you strike the right balance between welcoming legitimate international students and blocking the not-so-legitimate ones? In two new reports out today, the Higher Education Policy Institute puts the Australian higher education system under the microscope and then compares it to the English one. Both reports conclude that England could learn lessons from the Australian system, particularly on the support offered t…

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  3. The transformational role of design

    …ith the scientific, technical and human dimensions of innovation. Design becomes then an organisation resource to improve the goods and services that we use and the quality of the lives we lead.   Image by tanakawho Around the world industry and governments are recognising the potential for design to facilitate change, enhance innovation and deliver economic value. This is at a time when enlightened communities are also tackling local and social n…

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  4. Times – Big picture, small print in student loan jungle

    …nd simple steps to improve the loan design, bring down the massive subsidy on loans from the government and re-balance the contribution between the state and individual to higher education. This is less complicated than it sounds. You may end up with fees at £6,000 in some parts of the system, but it is strange to know the answer before you’ve done your sums. Read the full letter….

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  5. Decision to lift the cap on ambition has been vindicated

    …erations.” Notes Data on graduate earnings from OECD, Education at a Glance 2013 report. University Alliance is a non-partisan, non-political organisation working to promote, safeguard and sustain the public benefit delivered by universities together with our members. Our members are Bournemouth University, University of Bradford, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Coventry University, Glasgow Caledonian University, University of Greenwich, Universi…

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  6. THE – Uncapped numbers: it’s a different story Down Under

    …ter how hard you press anyone in the government or the Treasury, you cannot get them to worry about the number of student loans flying out the door. “Here in the UK in deepest, darkest January, when our universities minister has just had to mount yet another defence of the ever-growing resource accounting and budgeting (RAB) charge (the proportion of student loans that will never be repaid) to a select committee of MPs, I am keenly aware of the co…

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  7. The Guardian University Forum

    Venue: 8 Northumberland Avenue, London Date: 26 February 2014 Competing on a global stage The Guardian HE network is running a one-day forum to explore the future of UK higher education policy ahead of the next General Election. The event will focus on how universities can foster student innovation and what impact immigration policy will have on the UK’s world-class skills and research base. This is a must-attend event for senior higher education…

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  8. Telegraph: Universities ‘will need more money’, say vice-chancellors

    …Instead of tinkering around the edges, we should be exploring intelligent reform that will address the fundamental inefficiencies of a system that spends the majority of its budget subsidising student loans that won’t get paid back. “This is the right moment for a much bigger debate on how higher education is funded, which is why we are working with King’s College London, Deloitte, Lloyds, Google and others to come up with a smarter, more sustaina…

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  9. Telegraph – Warning over ‘postcode lottery’ in university admissions

    …anged over time and by region. Speaking to the Telegraph Libby Hackett, Chief Executive of University Alliance, said: “This is further evidence that the increase in fees may be driving down aspiration in certain communities, which warrants serious investigation. “The often quoted statistic, that more people from poorer backgrounds are attending university under the new few regime, masks important variations in participation such as the 40 per cent…

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  10. Guardian – Vince Cable: International students do not feel welcome in Britain

    …not feel welcome. Other speakers at the event, which was sponsored by Bright Britain included Shami Chakrabarti, the chancellor of Oxford Brookes university; John Longworth, director general at the British Chambers of Commerce; and event chair Michael White, assistant editor and former political editor of the Guardian. International Hub: Vince Cable: international students do not feel welcome in Britain (Guardian HE Network)…

    Read more of: Guardian – Vince Cable: International students do not feel welcome in Britain