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  1. Wonkhe: Finding new ways to measure graduate success

    …re teaching success in higher education. There are major challenges to overcome when determining the metrics we might use. First of all, they will be contested in ways that current league table metrics are not, given they will result in winners and losers in the race to generate income. Indeed, it would be unwise to start with most of the current league table measures. For instance, many of the metrics they deploy would be perverse in the TEF – su…

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  2. THE: How might a teaching excellence framework be built?

    …Dame Julia King in Times Higher Education. The piece features substantial comments from Quintar McKellar, VC of University of Hertsfordshire and Chris Rust, professor of higher education at Oxford Brookes University – two University Alliance member institutions. It also adds on “What of the government’s plans to link TEF results to the future level of tuition fees? The move has been welcomed by the Russell Group of research-intensive universities…

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  3. University Alliance responds to the Emergency Budget

    …working with the Government to work out how this can best be done. “We welcome the measures to ensure that all students with the ability and aspiration to attend university can do so. We have long supported the removal of the student numbers cap. While we would have preferred increased maintenance grants, we recognise that the government’s commitment to reducing the deficit means that hard choices have to be made. Although the devil will be in th…

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  4. High quality teaching is vital for student success

    …puts the needs of the student at the centre, pays greater attention to outcomes than process, is risk-based rather than formulaic and which reduces the administrative burden on institutions. Maddalaine Ansell, chief executive of University Alliance – Britain’s universities for cities and regions – said: “High quality teaching and learning is critical to creating the world’s future leaders and problem solvers. We all need to feel confident that a…

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  5. The Guardian: Home students learn about the world from their international peers

    …is quoted in a Guardian article on international students and the benefits they bring to UK students at university. The story which features short interviews with students at a number of universities including Sheffield Hallam University was inspired by a new survey commissioned by the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) and the Higher Education Academy (HEA) which reveals that students believe they benefit in many ways from studying alongsi…

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  6. International students benefit our universities and the UK

    …– Britain’s universities for cities and regions – welcomed the new survey commissioned by the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) and the Higher Education Academy (HEA) which reveals that students believe they benefit in many ways from studying alongside people from other countries. She said: “Our universities offer excellent courses (some of which are ranked the best in the world) with a strong focus on job-readiness. These courses appeal t…

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  7. Research Fortnight: University Alliance goes it alone with PhD training partnership

    …fic bid. We were able to start with a blank sheet of paper and the question: ‘What are the qualities we’re looking for our graduates to have?’” Students will first meet at a two-day residential launch shortly after enrolment, and there will be a series of training courses during their three-year PhD programmes. This may culminate in internships with relevant companies. The courses will be funded directly by each university on a quid pro quo basis,…

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  8. Building the Teaching Excellence Framework

    …s on teaching excellence and would like to help the Government deliver its commitment to introduce a framework to recognise universities offering the highest quality teaching. It is important we get this right – done well, it should incentivise many different kinds of teaching excellence and encourage innovation. If we get it wrong, it may become a burdensome bureaucratic exercise that incentivises the wrong kind of behaviour. It is, of course, a…

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  9. Good news for high-skill graduates in latest labour market figures

    …ers want graduates that are analytical, problem solving and who have great communication skills. “Alliance universities offer practice-based, industry-focused courses which give our graduates the skills employers want and enable them to hit the ground running in their chosen careers.” Notes The BIS Graduate Labour Market Statistics published today revealed: The employment rate for working age graduates of 87.5% is the highest level seen since the…

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  10. THE: Cautious response to PhD loans proposal

    …kills’ consultation on support for postgraduate study. Plans for £25,000 loans were unveiled in this year’s budget, following the announcement of £10,000 loans for taught master’s students in last December’s Autumn Statement. Some of our comments have since appeared in a round-up of sector responses in a story in Times Higher Education. To read the story visit here. You can also find our consultation response, alongside previous submissions to gov…

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