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  1. THE: Scheme opens up PhD training opportunities at post-92s

    …d by THE ahead of the initiative’s launch last week. Maddalaine Ansell, chief executive of the University Alliance, said she hoped that research councils would be persuaded to contribute towards the initiative if it proves to be effective. “We hope we can show to the research councils that our institutions have strengths and that, working together, they can create the critical mass required for effective doctoral training,” she said. “It would not…

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  2. CSR: Skills for new growth

    Read University Alliance’s submission to the Comprehensive Spending Review – ‘Skills for new growth’. We have also summarised the key priorities for skills for new growth for the Government to bear in mind ahead of the CSR. They are: Numbers. More graduates are needed to keep pace with growing demand for higher skills. The cap on student numbers must remain off. Access. Student Opportunity Funding enables universities to attract and support disad…

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  3. Guardian HE Network: It’s foolish to argue that we don’t need so many graduates in the UK

    …the short-term, there are problems with the CIPD survey. It is not truly reflective of the current market because it is based on European Social Survey data from 2010, when the job market was much bleaker for graduates. The Higher Education Statistics Agency actually reported a rise in professional graduate employment in July this year – 69% of university-leavers who had gone straight into work were in professional jobs.” You can read the full bl…

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    Students at Plymouth University
  4. University Alliance responds to CIPD report on graduates in the labour market

    …dely reported CIPD figure that 58.8% of graduates are in non-graduate jobs comes from 2010 during a weak economy. The latest Graduate Labour Market Statistics found that more graduates are in work this year than at any time since 2007 and that graduates earn almost £10,000 a year more than people without degrees. “The UK economy is a knowledge economy with most new jobs in high skill areas. The Association of Graduate Recruiters’ (AGR) predicted a…

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  5. HE and FE Show 2015

    …cellor of University of Aberdeen and Chair of the Universities UK Group on Efficiency. Maddalaine’s speech, from 10.10 – 10.25am, will cover “Challenger Institutions: The Evolving Entrepreneurial Role of Universities”. Exploring how the role of universities will be shaped in uncertain economic and political climates The role of challenger institutions, furthering innovation and enterprise Supporting competitiveness and ensuring university research…

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  6. Overall student satisfaction increases for Alliance universities

    Maddalaine Ansell, Chief Executive of University Alliance, said in response to the annual National Student Survey published today: “It is positive to see high levels of student satisfaction being maintained within UK higher education. This shows that the sector is working hard to deliver a quality experience for students who are, quite rightly, keen to ensure they get the most out of their time at university. “It is especially true at Alliance un…

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  7. Wonkhe: Finding new ways to measure graduate success

    …he TEF – such as staff-student ratios and spend per student which reward inefficiency – or do not adequately reflect the significant government policy objective of widening participation. Furthermore, this new context means that the measures must possess political and public confidence. Integrity is one of the great strengths of higher education in the UK. In the age of the TEF this will be best protected by putting the chosen metrics as far as po…

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  8. THE: How might a teaching excellence framework be built?

    …from Quintar McKellar, VC of University of Hertsfordshire and Chris Rust, professor of higher education at Oxford Brookes University – two University Alliance member institutions. It also adds on “What of the government’s plans to link TEF results to the future level of tuition fees? The move has been welcomed by the Russell Group of research-intensive universities, and University Alliance called the decision “reasonable”.” You can find our full…

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  9. University Alliance responds to the Emergency Budget

    …preferred increased maintenance grants, we recognise that the government’s commitment to reducing the deficit means that hard choices have to be made. Although the devil will be in the detail, a bigger maintenance loan that provides financial support to the most disadvantaged students is better than a grant that does not. “In the same spirit, we recognise that freezing the repayment threshold will significantly reduce the RAB charge. This, in turn…

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