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  1. Knowledge exchange: Driving the Northern economy

    …ry with the skilled engineering and technology staff they need to grow and compete. Operated jointly by Mersey Maritime and LJMU, the new facility is designed to be a global centre of excellence within the UK. Within the Liverpool City Region, the marine and maritime sectors generate about £3.5bn of sales and contributes to 12 per cent of the region’s GDP. More than £947m of those sales are exported, making the sector a “key element” in rebalancin…

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  2. Guardian HE network: The Teaching Excellence Framework: can higher education up its game?

    …ld also disadvantage some universities and give students a skewed picture. Comparing the employability data for say, philosophy and nursing could be misleading. “Measuring excellence in a research-intensive university that’s teaching an academic subject might look very different from a university that’s running a nursing or teacher training course – and that might look different again from a conservatoire that’s trying to prepare people for life a…

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  3. Mind the gap: Engaging employers to secure the future of STEM in higher education

    University-business engagement comes in many forms. There are numerous policy reports that have looked at how universities can best support collaboration with business on applied research and knowledge transfer. However employer engagement in educational provision (course development and delivery) within the university sector is less well understood. Mind the gap: Engaging employers to secure the future of STEM in higher education aims to provide…

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  4. THE: Scheme opens up PhD training opportunities at post-92s

    …that the training model would encourage PhD students to exchange ideas and support each other. The PhD is often seen as a very lonely way to study,” Professor Harrison said. But he added that “every student on the scheme will come together for summer schools and postgraduate conferences to discuss their project plans and discuss how they are going”. The networking opportunities would also benefit PhD supervisors, he said. Read the full article he…

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  5. CSR: Skills for new growth

    Read University Alliance’s submission to the Comprehensive Spending Review – ‘Skills for new growth’. We have also summarised the key priorities for skills for new growth for the Government to bear in mind ahead of the CSR. They are: Numbers. More graduates are needed to keep pace with growing demand for higher skills. The cap on student numbers must remain off. Access. Student Opportunity Funding enables universities to attract and support disad…

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  6. Guardian HE Network: It’s foolish to argue that we don’t need so many graduates in the UK

    …I has forecast that by 2022, half of all jobs will require workers to have completed some form of higher education at level 4 or above. If the UK is to build a strong economic future around a hi-tech economy, it will require highly skilled graduates and technicians…” “…Even in the short-term, there are problems with the CIPD survey. It is not truly reflective of the current market because it is based on European Social Survey data from 2010, when…

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    Students at Plymouth University
  7. University Alliance responds to CIPD report on graduates in the labour market

    Maddalaine Ansell, Chief Executive of University Alliance, said: “The widely reported CIPD figure that 58.8% of graduates are in non-graduate jobs comes from 2010 during a weak economy. The latest Graduate Labour Market Statistics found that more graduates are in work this year than at any time since 2007 and that graduates earn almost £10,000 a year more than people without degrees. “The UK economy is a knowledge economy with most new jobs in hi…

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  8. HE and FE Show 2015

    …dalaine’s speech, from 10.10 – 10.25am, will cover “Challenger Institutions: The Evolving Entrepreneurial Role of Universities”. Exploring how the role of universities will be shaped in uncertain economic and political climates The role of challenger institutions, furthering innovation and enterprise Supporting competitiveness and ensuring university research and innovation ecosystems thrive A new manifesto for UK Research – Building on the value…

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  9. Overall student satisfaction increases for Alliance universities

    …nce, said in response to the annual National Student Survey published today: “It is positive to see high levels of student satisfaction being maintained within UK higher education. This shows that the sector is working hard to deliver a quality experience for students who are, quite rightly, keen to ensure they get the most out of their time at university. “It is especially true at Alliance universities where we are committed to providing the exce…

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