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  1. The Teaching Excellence Framework: Five key principles

    …ainst the risk of perverse incentives. Equally, there is a balance to be struck with financial implications for institutions: the cost of Research Excellence Framework is estimated to be in the region of £246m. A Teaching Excellence Framework couldbe considerably larger and more expensive if implemented at subject level. In my view, the approach most likely to work is for measurement to reflect self-assessment and peer review as well as light-touc…

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    Innovative students
  2. University Alliance welcomes Sir Paul Nurse’s review of the UK Research Councils ‘Ensuring a successful UK research endeavour’

    …– but all must strive for ever greater excellence. The dual support system drives dynamism and innovation. As Sir Paul’s report recognises, this system has served the UK well – with a wide range of institutions producing world-leading research across multiple disciplines. “Peer review is the best way to identify this excellence. The Haldane principle should continue to guide funding decisions.” Sir Paul Nurse’s review can be found here…

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  3. Mind the gap – engaging employers to secure the future of STEM in higher education

    …e our experience of providing high quality teaching and research with real world impact to shape higher education and research policy for the benefit of our students, businesses and civic partners. We innovate together, learn from each other and support every member to transform lives and deliver growth. SPEAKERS INCLUDE Maddalaine Ansell, Chief Executive, University Alliance Professor Mary Stuart, Vice-Chancellor, University of Lincoln Chris Mill…

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  4. High quality teaching is vital for student success

    …ns – said: “High quality teaching and learning is critical to creating the world’s future leaders and problem solvers. We all need to feel confident that a new regime will maintain the quality of the UK higher education system. “Alongside this consultation, the Government has committed to introduce a framework to recognise universities offering the highest quality teaching. We are running a policy seminar next month to explore how to get this righ…

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  5. Improve student funding system to boost skills and promote UK competitiveness

    …ed to providing the high quality teaching that is critical to creating the world’s future leaders and problem solvers. We excel in preparing students for a career in industry and the professions – or to start their own company. We teach 20% of the UK’s undergraduates and 14% post-graduates. Nearly 40% of our students come from lower socio-economic backgrounds (NS-SEC 4-7). We focus on professional and practice-orientated courses – 25% of all under…

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  6. Improving the quality of air we breathe

    …es had declared areas with concerns about air-quality. The research team scrutinised the processes used to manage local air quality including computer models and direct measurements. They also examined policy, transport planning, public exposure, air quality and carbon management processes within local authorities. This led to an unparalleled understanding of the complex interplay between air quality management activities at local and national lev…

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  7. Grand designs for the eco-buildings of the future

    …nd Architectural Heritage Champion of Champions Award. Throughout its construction, the team worked alongside mainstream construction companies and local government bodies as part of a wider strategy to raise public awareness and show that eco-homes and buildings did not need to be seen as a highly specialised subset of construction. Professor Sodagar, the Centre’s Director, also helped found the Construction Emissions Community of Practice, a vol…

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  8. Prosopagnosia research helping thousands

    …lls. The researchers are also working to make sure that the hundreds of thousands affected no longer suffer in silence. Their research and lobbying activities are helping to influence significant policy changes within health organisations and charities. For example, the NHS has committed to adding prosopagnosia to the NHS Choices website’s A-Z of conditions, while The Encephalitis Society and Headway have both produced factsheets about prosopagnos…

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