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  1. UA response to IFS study of graduate earnings

    …raduate’s family background remains a key factor determining their earnings. This needs to change. Universities have a role to play in addressing this inequality, ensuring that opportunities are open to all with the talent to succeed and that everyone can make the most of their potential. “These findings illustrate that across the Higher Education sector, attention must be focused on securing the best outcomes for all students, regardless of backg…

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  2. Building healthy cities roundtable: The role of universities in the health ecosystem

    …ol. The event marked the recent publication of the University Alliance report Building healthy cities: the role of universities in the health ecosystem which contains a detailed case study on the Bristol City Region health and care community. This is the first report in UA’s Regional Leadership series and will be followed by three further publications on skills, reducing inequality, and research and innovation later in the year. Read the roundtabl…

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  3. Maddalaine Ansell to speak at THE Young Universities Summit

    …E 150 Under 50 Rankings 2016. Maddalaine will be speaking on a panel on Wed 6 April on Universities’ commitment to knowledge transfer and social entrepreneurship. This discussion will take during the morning session covering the themes of ‘Research, knowledge transfer and industry collaboration’. Also on the panel will be: Lead chair: Núria Sebastián Gallés, vice-president, European Research Council Susana Borras, professor of innovation and gover

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  4. University Alliance response: Grant Letter & Science and Research Allocations

    …difference for businesses, particularly SMEs, in driving productivity gains. “We also welcome the decision to maintain support for high-cost subjects, although within this budget it is crucial that adequate provision is made for student nurses, midwives and allied health professionals in light of the changes the government has made in this area. “There are real concerns that halving Student Opportunity Funding will make it far more difficult to me…

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  5. Research: Lab4Living

    …it which supports more accurate assessment of people with diabetic foot disorders. And they’ve also improved the quality and design of bathroom furniture for older people through an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council funded project with Ideal Standard. Lab4Living also host a biennial conference that brings together designers and creative practitioners with researchers, clinicians, policy makers and users to discuss, disseminate and…

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  6. Health networks & partnerships: Tackling the impact of violence and abuse

    …iolence. Users will be able to explore data on a range of violence types (e.g. child maltreatment, youth violence, sexual violence, intimate partner violence, elder abuse) and across many different public health aspects, such as prevalence, risk factors, impacts, the effectiveness of evidence-based interventions. The resource will help support practitioners in making the case for investing in violence prevention and guiding policymakers with summa…

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  7. Campus wellbeing: Resilience programme helps students develop ‘mental wealth’

    …hing people from negative statements. Someone might say ‘I’m not smart enough’ and so we ask them to detach by changing it to ‘You’re not smart enough’ then to dispute this externalised statement, for example ‘I got 70 per cent on that piece of coursework’. Combating the inner critic is a powerful tool when learned to help people enjoy life more and helps self belief.” UWE Bristol also recently saw the self-help app for anxiety (SAM) rise to the t…

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  8. UA Summit 2016 – Leading the way in our cities and regions

    …shops led by our universities and HE stakeholders. Register your place here. The UA Summit welcomes up to 250 University Alliance colleagues including Vice-Chancellors, Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Pro Vice-Chancellors, Communications Leads, Deans and any other colleagues of all levels at Alliance universities who are interested in our work. Do keep checking this page and our monthly newsletters for the latest announcements on the programme and speake…

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