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  1. UA response to IFS study of graduate earnings

    Commenting on the IFS study of graduate earnings, University Alliance Chair Professor Steve West said: “This major study, the first of its kind, demonstrates the enduring value of a degree, measured in terms of the difference between graduate and non-graduate earnings a decade after leaving university. “However, the report’s most striking conclusion is the extent to which a graduate’s family background remains a key factor determining their earni…

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  2. Guardian: Snobbery is outdated – universities have to train students for jobs

    Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell writes for the Guardian HE Network on how universities need to provide a balanced combination of theory and practical skills, so young people graduate with a degree that boosts their employment prospects. “Only students who don’t need jobs can afford an education that does not prepare them for the workplace, and very few are in this position. “Getting a good job” is consistently given in student surveys as the ma…

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  3. Building healthy cities roundtable: The role of universities in the health ecosystem

    …d regional health economy. The discussion took place in Bristol on 14 March 2016 and brought together academics, politicians, practitioners and business representatives from across the South West. It was chaired by Professor Steve West, Vice-Chancellor of UWE Bristol. The event marked the recent publication of the University Alliance report Building healthy cities: the role of universities in the health ecosystem which contains a detailed case stu…

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  4. Unconscious bias in higher education: A talk for International Women’s Day

    …bias, do something about it; devise policies and processes which limit the effect of bias. Examples include setting clear criteria before making an evaluation or assessment (and sticking to them!); asking for specific examples rather than generalising; and trying not to make decisions when tired or stressed as you are more likely to revert to ‘fast thinking’ with all the possibility of error and assumption. But overall, have high expectations of t…

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  5. Maddalaine Ansell to speak at THE Young Universities Summit

    …oday. The summit will also host the launch of the THE 150 Under 50 Rankings 2016. Maddalaine will be speaking on a panel on Wed 6 April on Universities’ commitment to knowledge transfer and social entrepreneurship. This discussion will take during the morning session covering the themes of ‘Research, knowledge transfer and industry collaboration’. Also on the panel will be: Lead chair: Núria Sebastián Gallés, vice-president, European Research Coun…

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  6. University Alliance response: Grant Letter & Science and Research Allocations

    Commenting on the HEFCE Grant Letter and Science & Research Allocations Booklet published today, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Overall today’s announcements will support universities in meeting the Government’s aims by increasing productivity and driving innovation and growth. “Ministers’ backing for the dual support system by maintaining vital Quality Related (QR) funding is excellent news, as this allows our unive…

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  7. Research: Lab4Living

    …sely with Design Futures, the design consultancy group within the ADRC, in commercially orientated healthcare projects. Lab4Living also refers to the physical space on campus where much of their research takes place. This space is a state-of-the-art experimental area where it’s possible to conduct both qualitative and quantitative studies of human behaviour and to understand individuals’ interactions with the built environment. The team work with…

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  8. Health networks & partnerships: Tackling the impact of violence and abuse

    …ross resources and challenging to interpret. V-Info will provide a single, comprehensive website that synthesises data and presents it in a visual and user friendly way to provide a more accurate understanding of violence. Users will be able to explore data on a range of violence types (e.g. child maltreatment, youth violence, sexual violence, intimate partner violence, elder abuse) and across many different public health aspects, such as prevalen…

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  9. Campus wellbeing: Resilience programme helps students develop ‘mental wealth’

    …g people from negative statements. Someone might say ‘I’m not smart enough’ and so we ask them to detach by changing it to ‘You’re not smart enough’ then to dispute this externalised statement, for example ‘I got 70 per cent on that piece of coursework’. Combating the inner critic is a powerful tool when learned to help people enjoy life more and helps self belief.” UWE Bristol also recently saw the self-help app for anxiety (SAM) rise to the top…

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