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  1. THE: HE White Paper: the higher education sector responds

    …omments. Maddalaine Ansell, chief executive of the University Alliance said: “The right regime for higher education and research is essential for building the knowledge economy of the future. These plans strike a healthy balance between protecting the quality and global reputation of our country’s universities, whilst also encouraging innovation. Implementing the Teaching Excellence Framework in a steady way over time is the best way to ensure it…

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  2. UA response to IFS study of graduate earnings

    …y of graduate earnings, University Alliance Chair Professor Steve West said: “This major study, the first of its kind, demonstrates the enduring value of a degree, measured in terms of the difference between graduate and non-graduate earnings a decade after leaving university. “However, the report’s most striking conclusion is the extent to which a graduate’s family background remains a key factor determining their earnings. This needs to change….

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  3. Guardian: Snobbery is outdated – universities have to train students for jobs

    for the Guardian HE Network on how universities need to provide a balanced combination of theory and practical skills, so young people graduate with a degree that boosts their employment prospects. “Only students who don’t need jobs can afford an education that does not prepare them for the workplace, and very few are in this position. “Getting a good job” is consistently given in student surveys as the main motivation for going to university, and…

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  4. Building healthy cities roundtable: The role of universities in the health ecosystem

    …March 2016 and brought together academics, politicians, practitioners and business representatives from across the South West. It was chaired by Professor Steve West, Vice-Chancellor of UWE Bristol. The event marked the recent publication of the University Alliance report Building healthy cities: the role of universities in the health ecosystem which contains a detailed case study on the Bristol City Region health and care community. This is the…

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  5. Unconscious bias in higher education: A talk for International Women’s Day

    …rying not to make decisions when tired or stressed as you are more likely to revert to ‘fast thinking’ with all the possibility of error and assumption. But overall, have high expectations of the environment you want to work in: Equality is a value which many in universities hold dear, but it is clear there is still some way to go to achieve it. This blog post is based on a talk for International Women’s Day: A Plymouth Conversation on 8th March 2…

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  6. Maddalaine Ansell to speak at THE Young Universities Summit

    …, knowledge transfer and industry collaboration’. Also on the panel will be: Lead chair: Núria Sebastián Gallés, vice-president, European Research Council Susana Borras, professor of innovation and governance, Copenhagen Business School Tom Hockaday, independent technology transfer consultant Join vice-chancellors, rectors, principals and industry colleagues to explore the theme with speakers from leading universities and multinational corporation…

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  7. University Alliance response: Grant Letter & Science and Research Allocations

    …published today, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Overall today’s announcements will support universities in meeting the Government’s aims by increasing productivity and driving innovation and growth. “Ministers’ backing for the dual support system by maintaining vital Quality Related (QR) funding is excellent news, as this allows our universities to make strategic investments in growth areas, recognising excellence whe…

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