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  1. Unconscious bias in higher education: A talk for International Women’s Day

    …emale” applicants were rated significantly lower than “male” applicants in competence and hireability – and in line with this they were offered a lower starting salary. Interestingly, the gender of the evaluator didn’t make any difference; both male and female participants in the experiment graded “male” applicants more highly. What is even worse news for female academics is that this bias seems to persist in other areas of academic work such as r…

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  2. Maddalaine Ansell to speak at THE Young Universities Summit

    …16. Maddalaine will be speaking on a panel on Wed 6 April on Universities’ commitment to knowledge transfer and social entrepreneurship. This discussion will take during the morning session covering the themes of ‘Research, knowledge transfer and industry collaboration’. Also on the panel will be: Lead chair: Núria Sebastián Gallés, vice-president, European Research Council Susana Borras, professor of innovation and governance, Copenhagen Business…

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  3. University Alliance response: Grant Letter & Science and Research Allocations

    Commenting on the HEFCE Grant Letter and Science & Research Allocations Booklet published today, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Overall today’s announcements will support universities in meeting the Government’s aims by increasing productivity and driving innovation and growth. “Ministers’ backing for the dual support system by maintaining vital Quality Related (QR) funding is excellent news, as this allows our unive…

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  4. Research: Lab4Living

    …sely with Design Futures, the design consultancy group within the ADRC, in commercially orientated healthcare projects. Lab4Living also refers to the physical space on campus where much of their research takes place. This space is a state-of-the-art experimental area where it’s possible to conduct both qualitative and quantitative studies of human behaviour and to understand individuals’ interactions with the built environment. The team work with…

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  5. Health networks & partnerships: Tackling the impact of violence and abuse

    …ross resources and challenging to interpret. V-Info will provide a single, comprehensive website that synthesises data and presents it in a visual and user friendly way to provide a more accurate understanding of violence. Users will be able to explore data on a range of violence types (e.g. child maltreatment, youth violence, sexual violence, intimate partner violence, elder abuse) and across many different public health aspects, such as prevalen…

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  6. Campus wellbeing: Resilience programme helps students develop ‘mental wealth’

    …ign using mindfulness activities. “My work with the PAL scheme led me to become involved in in the emotional resilience programme where I attended training in presentation, confidence and planning to become a PAL leader. The areas I focus on with groups of student include mindfulness activities but also meditation, strategies to calm the inner critic and discussion groups about social networks. “A good example of an activity where we try to squash…

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  7. UA Summit 2016 – Leading the way in our cities and regions

    …iversities and HE stakeholders. Register your place here. The UA Summit welcomes up to 250 University Alliance colleagues including Vice-Chancellors, Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Pro Vice-Chancellors, Communications Leads, Deans and any other colleagues of all levels at Alliance universities who are interested in our work. Do keep checking this page and our monthly newsletters for the latest announcements on the programme and speaker and workshop lead…

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  8. Applications open for Royal Society’s pairing scheme

    …t Coventry University and Dr Jean-Christophe Nebel, Associate Professor in Computing Science and Bioinformatics at Kingston University were among those taking part in the scheme last year. Professor Baines has analysed many aspects of health care efficiency over a 20 year career. He was paired with Lord Prior of Brampton who is Minister for NHS Productivity and Efficiency and a member of the House of Lords. Dr Nebel shadowed Graham Dean, Higher Sc…

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  9. University Alliance responds to UCAS January deadline statistical release

    Commenting on the UCAS January deadline statistical release, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Making university education available to everyone who can benefit is fundamental to social mobility in Britain. So it is encouraging that those from the most disadvantaged backgrounds are more likely to apply than ever before. This is testament to the hard work of institutions, that want to contribute to society, reaching out….

    Read more of: University Alliance responds to UCAS January deadline statistical release