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  1. Creating jobs & business opportunities: Award-winning programme tackles some of the world’s most pressing issues

    …ford City Council’s shortlisted bid to be European Capital of Innovation in 2016. A key development in the OBSEA programme for 2015-16 is the opportunity for social enterprise volunteering to help participants ‘apprentice with the problem’ and gain a greater understanding of the issues. Through embracing social innovation in addition to social entrepreneurship there is now the opportunity for interdisciplinary team working and collaborative proble…

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  2. Supporting success: Working with BMW Group to offer unique degree opportunity

    …ant achievements such as the notable 150th anniversary of Oxford Brookes in 2015 where BMW Group featured strongly in the celebration of engineering heritage.   While this course is focussed on the automotive sector, it has wide appeal and will also enable students to go take up positions in a range of other settings nationally or internationally, including multinational business, charity or education sectors, healthcare and government. In 2016/17…

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  3. Cultural enrichment: The Social Partnerships Network

    …ard Cheshire Disability and the Learn and Work Institute was established in 2013. Initially, it worked to raise the profile of learning opportunities that increase progression, and simplify pathways such as the transition from informal to formal learning. In particular it aimed to support the development of workplace learning by promoting to employers the pivotal role this has in supporting economic growth. The Network also collected a broad range…

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  4. University Alliance responds to the Government’s Higher Education White Paper

    …teaching and to achieve positive outcomes for all students. “We are delighted by the decision to protect the dual support system for research through legislation. The dual support system is the best way to ensure UK research remains dynamic and globally competitive. “The recognition that Innovate UK should be a business-facing organisation with its own protected budget, but integrated within UK Research and Innovation, is also very welcome.” Note…

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  5. THE: HE White Paper: the higher education sector responds

    …Economy was featured in Times Higher Education’s round-up of the sector’s comments. Maddalaine Ansell, chief executive of the University Alliance said: “The right regime for higher education and research is essential for building the knowledge economy of the future. These plans strike a healthy balance between protecting the quality and global reputation of our country’s universities, whilst also encouraging innovation. Implementing the Teaching…

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  6. UA response to IFS study of graduate earnings

    Commenting on the IFS study of graduate earnings, University Alliance Chair Professor Steve West said: “This major study, the first of its kind, demonstrates the enduring value of a degree, measured in terms of the difference between graduate and non-graduate earnings a decade after leaving university. “However, the report’s most striking conclusion is the extent to which a graduate’s family background remains a key factor determining their earni…

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  7. Guardian: Snobbery is outdated – universities have to train students for jobs

    Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell writes for the Guardian HE Network on how universities need to provide a balanced combination of theory and practical skills, so young people graduate with a degree that boosts their employment prospects. “Only students who don’t need jobs can afford an education that does not prepare them for the workplace, and very few are in this position. “Getting a good job” is consistently given in student surveys as the ma…

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  8. Building healthy cities roundtable: The role of universities in the health ecosystem

    …d regional health economy. The discussion took place in Bristol on 14 March 2016 and brought together academics, politicians, practitioners and business representatives from across the South West. It was chaired by Professor Steve West, Vice-Chancellor of UWE Bristol. The event marked the recent publication of the University Alliance report Building healthy cities: the role of universities in the health ecosystem which contains a detailed case stu…

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