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  1. Helping hundreds of hurricane-hit students to return to university

    …e only venue big enough to seat everyone at once. I looked around at the packed venue, the joy on the students’ faces as they reunited with their friends and smiled at my AUC colleagues. We really had achieved something special. All 650 of these students can now continue their education uninterrupted. Of equal importance is the fact they have the added bonus of being able to study in the UK and make new friends, which I have no doubt will be for l…

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  2. University Alliance responds to the Teaching Excellence Framework awards

    …social capital on campus and beyond, we give them the resilience to succeed. “We welcome the Government’s intention to use the TEF to champion success and drive improvement. As it continues to evolve, it is important that the TEF reflects the different models of teaching excellence which exist across UK higher education and supports innovation. Whether or not it becomes a useful tool for applicants, it will certainly make universities think hard a…

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  3. Shortlist revealed for THE Leadership & Management Awards 2017

    …teams, often working behind the scenes, who help our universities to thrive. The winners of the 2017 awards will be unveiled on Thursday 22 June at a ceremony at the Grosvenor House Hotel, London. Alliance universities shortlisted for this year’s awards are: Teaching and Learning Strategy of the Year University of South Wales Outstanding Digital Innovation of the Year University of Portsmouth The Open University University of Salford Outstanding E…

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  4. Alliance universities and global challenges – key facts

    …activity in developing countries and focused on tackling global challenges. Alliance Universities work in 95 low and middle income countries around the world – almost two thirds of the total number eligible to receive Official Development Assistance (ODA) – and corresponding with each of the 11 Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) challenge areas. The top ten countries where researchers and practitioners from Alliance universities’ are working…

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  5. Going Global 2017: registration open

    …eaders from across the world. At the event, over a thousand delegates will come together to explore collaborative solutions to global issues and discuss the role of higher education. Taking place in London on Monday 22 – Wednesday 24 May, this year’s conference will explore the theme Global cities: connecting talent, driving change, looking at the role of universities and colleges as global connectors between fast-evolving knowledge economies, and…

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    British Council Going Global 2017
  6. UKERC: Tackling global energy challenges – DTA Energy

    …y and sustainability of energy supplies and the management of energy demand. Whether the communities of the future are mega-cities, urban, rural or remote, the infrastructure that supports them – including housing, manufacturing, transport and services – will rely on an energy generation and distribution network that is stable, secure, and resilient to climate change and terrorism. They will need researchers and leaders able to work across discipl…

    Read more of: UKERC: Tackling global energy challenges – DTA Energy