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  1. University Business: Spring Budget reveals increased investment in STEM education

    …epth in STEM research, so the additional funds for PhD studentships are welcome alongside funds to attract researchers from overseas. The Research Councils must distribute these funds on the basis of fair and open competition, recognising excellence wherever it is found, and the creation of UKRI must be used as an opportunity to iron out the administrative issues that have prevented this from happening in the past.” You can read our full statement…

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  2. University Alliance welcomes government support for new routes through higher education

    …ister of State Jo Johnson today, Maddalaine Ansell, University Alliance Chief Executive, said: “These amendments significantly improve the Bill, giving the new Office for Students a broader role to support diverse students with new routes through higher education, and more flexibility. We especially welcome new measures to encourage collaboration between institutions, credit transfer and accelerated degrees. We are also pleased the government has…

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  3. Alliance universities and global challenges – key facts

    …kling global challenges. Alliance Universities work in 95 low and middle income countries around the world – almost two thirds of the total number eligible to receive Official Development Assistance (ODA) – and corresponding with each of the 11 Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) challenge areas. The top ten countries where researchers and practitioners from Alliance universities’ are working in the developing world: Over the last five years, U…

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  4. Going Global 2017: registration open

    …eaders from across the world. At the event, over a thousand delegates will come together to explore collaborative solutions to global issues and discuss the role of higher education. Taking place in London on Monday 22 – Wednesday 24 May, this year’s conference will explore the theme Global cities: connecting talent, driving change, looking at the role of universities and colleges as global connectors between fast-evolving knowledge economies, and…

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    British Council Going Global 2017
  5. UKERC: Tackling global energy challenges – DTA Energy

    …about University Alliance’s DTA programme in Energy. DTA Energy launched in 2016 and connects students and staff from 11 Alliance universities. “DTA Energy focuses on producing doctoral graduates equipped with the skills and experience to tackle the global challenge of ensuring future security and sustainability of energy supplies and the management of energy demand. Whether the communities of the future are mega-cities, urban, rural or remote, th…

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  6. Last chance to enter the Guardian University Awards 2017

    …e opportunity to highlight their achievements to a vast and growing global community. Is there a new state of the art building on your campus? An academic leader worthy of some recognition? Should your institution be acknowledged for its student satisfaction? Help your university stand out as an exceptional institution by entering the Guardian University Awards before Friday 3 February. All you have to do is pick a category in which you believe yo…

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  7. UA responds to HESA’s statistical first release on student enrolments and qualifications

    …dent enrolments and qualifications published today, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Whilst it is positive to see a rise in student numbers, the fall in the number of part-time students continues to be a concern. Making it easier for people to keep learning and gain new skills throughout life is essential if the government is serious about creating a society and economy where no one is left behind. It is also crucial fo…

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  8. UA responds to DfE consultation ‘Schools that work for everyone’

    …ion consultation, ‘Schools that work for everyone’, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Alliance universities strongly support government aims to improve attainment in schools. Many Alliance universities already sponsor schools and can demonstrate positive outcomes for their students. “The consultation places particular value on universities setting up new schools to create more good and outstanding places. Some universiti…

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  9. University Alliance responds to the Longitudinal Education Outcomes data release

    …ent for Education second experimental release of Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) data, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “This new dataset offers a valuable opportunity to improve upon existing measures of graduate outcomes, particularly the Destination of Leavers of Higher Education (DLHE) survey of graduates three years after leaving university. “LEO, if properly contextualised to take into account local and regio…

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