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  1. Alliance universities and global challenges – key facts

    …kling global challenges. Alliance Universities work in 95 low and middle income countries around the world – almost two thirds of the total number eligible to receive Official Development Assistance (ODA) – and corresponding with each of the 11 Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) challenge areas. The top ten countries where researchers and practitioners from Alliance universities’ are working in the developing world: Over the last five years, U…

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  2. Going Global 2017: registration open

    …eaders from across the world. At the event, over a thousand delegates will come together to explore collaborative solutions to global issues and discuss the role of higher education. Taking place in London on Monday 22 – Wednesday 24 May, this year’s conference will explore the theme Global cities: connecting talent, driving change, looking at the role of universities and colleges as global connectors between fast-evolving knowledge economies, and…

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    British Council Going Global 2017
  3. UKERC: Tackling global energy challenges – DTA Energy

    …bility of energy supplies and the management of energy demand. Whether the communities of the future are mega-cities, urban, rural or remote, the infrastructure that supports them – including housing, manufacturing, transport and services – will rely on an energy generation and distribution network that is stable, secure, and resilient to climate change and terrorism. They will need researchers and leaders able to work across disciplinary and sect…

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  4. Last chance to enter the Guardian University Awards 2017

    …e opportunity to highlight their achievements to a vast and growing global community. Is there a new state of the art building on your campus? An academic leader worthy of some recognition? Should your institution be acknowledged for its student satisfaction? Help your university stand out as an exceptional institution by entering the Guardian University Awards before Friday 3 February. All you have to do is pick a category in which you believe yo…

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  5. UA responds to HESA’s statistical first release on student enrolments and qualifications

    Commenting on HESA’s statistical first release on student enrolments and qualifications published today, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Whilst it is positive to see a rise in student numbers, the fall in the number of part-time students continues to be a concern. Making it easier for people to keep learning and gain new skills throughout life is essential if the government is serious about creating a society and econ…

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  6. UA responds to DfE consultation ‘Schools that work for everyone’

    Commenting on the Department for Education consultation, ‘Schools that work for everyone’, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Alliance universities strongly support government aims to improve attainment in schools. Many Alliance universities already sponsor schools and can demonstrate positive outcomes for their students. “The consultation places particular value on universities setting up new schools to create more good…

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  7. CityMetric: Here’s what anchor universities add to UK city economies

    …in order to understand better how modern civic universities build stronger communities, University Alliance undertook four deep dives in different parts of England across four themes: health and wellbeing; reducing inequality; innovation; and skills. “…Our intention was to demonstrate, through real examples, the breadth and nature of the contribution that anchor institutions make to their cities and regions. This could then be used to inform the p…

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  8. Universities are key partners in industrial strategy

    …on raising productivity by boosting skills and innovation in the regions. Commenting, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “The Autumn Statement’s focus on raising productivity and boosting high-skilled jobs is the right one. Skills and innovation are key to achieving these aims so the additional investment announced today in R&D and support for cross-disciplinary collaboration between universities and business through the…

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