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  1. Research Professional: ‘Fundamentally flawed’ subject level TEF raises concerns

    …tion of the new Teaching Excellence Framework. The issue of subject-level TEF has raised a number of concerns – and the Research Professional article featured University Alliance’s response to the government The University Alliance of business-focused universities said in its response to the consultation that it also “strongly disagree[s] with the introduction of a measure of teaching intensity”. “[T]he options proposed to measure this are complex…

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  2. Wonkhe: Views from four female HE leaders

    …ine’s views on her experiences of influencing government and working in Whitehall, from a female perspective. You can read the full article here. Why not check out our series of blogs for International Women’s Day 2018 from Helen Thompson-Whiteside on female entrepreneurship, Nicky Danino on encouraging more girls into computing and Kay Standing and Sara Parker on pressing for progress on periods in Nepal.    …

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  3. UA responds to government’s review of post-18 education

    …hey have to be properly funded. “The review is an opportunity to listen carefully to students’ concerns and put in place a system which is both fair, and seen to be fair. It is also an opportunity to revisit the question of support for part-time students, mature students and students from disadvantaged backgrounds, where it is now clear the current system has a range of flaws. “Alliance universities have been at the forefront of innovation and fle…

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  4. How we are developing new approaches to cancer management and treatment

    …nce the effectiveness of NK cell-based therapies and bring long-lasting benefits, free of harmful side-effects, to patients with TNBC. Importantly, the approach could also be used for the treatment of patients with other forms of cancer. We are undertaking this project in collaboration with Professor Graham Pawelec at the University of Tübingen in Germany. We hope this research will contribute to the search for improved approaches to manage and tr…

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  5. THE: #DearSam: UK HE sector tells new minister Sam Gyimah what his priorities should be Sam Gyimah was appointed the new joint Minister for Higher Education at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and the Department for Education in this week’s reshuffle. Times Higher Education asked the HE sector what his priorities should be – UA chief executive Maddalaine Ansell was featured in the article. Maddalaine said: “Sam Gyimah takes on the role at an important juncture. His top priority is…

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  6. Wonkhe: The major review of HE finance must focus on the real problems

    University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell has written a piece for Wonkhe about the government’s major review of higher education funding. Maddalaine writes that the government needs to be brave enough to use the review to focus on the real problems. “In relation to mature learners, we saw a further drop of 40% in applications this year. As many mature students used to study at Levels 4 and 5, there has been a decline in demand for the…

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  7. Research Fortnight HE: Four policy experts talk Brexit

    What are the priorities for Brexit and HE? Chief executive Maddalaine Ansell is featured in an article exploring the issues surrounding Brexit and how higher education and research must be protected as part of Research Fortnight HE’s Brexit Week series. Maddalaine talks about the three main issues that must be considered: employees from the EU; EU students and research programmes. “Universities need to better communicate their civic role, because…

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  8. An excellent Christmas card for 2017

    Georgie Underwood’s winning design The results are in – the 2017 University Alliance Christmas Card has been chosen. The front cover of our card was designed by Georgie Underwood, a third year student studying BA Illustration at the University of Portsmouth. The design will be used on the cover of our Christmas card which we send out to our key stakeholders. This year’s theme was ‘excellence’ and Georgie explained what inspired her design: “I was…

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  9. Turner Prize win for UCLAN professor

    …n made by the people of the Black Diaspora. Lubaina’s Turner Prize Exhibit Commenting after receiving the award, she said: “It’s great to win, especially as so many people in Preston were rooting for me. It will make a huge difference to my profile and give a platform to the issues I want to champion.” Lubaina, who was born in Zanzibar and grew up in London, was awarded an MBE in 2010. She made the headlines when the Turner Prize shortlist was ann…

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