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  1. UA responds to government’s review of post-18 education

    Commenting on the review into post-18 education announced by the Prime Minister Theresa May today, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “The first thing the review needs to recognise is that modern universities already provide high quality technical and professional education at all levels, meeting the needs of industry and public services. These courses are central to the vision the Prime Minister has set out and they have…

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  2. How we are developing new approaches to cancer management and treatment

    …to recognise and kill tumour cells, and demonstrated that they do indeed become more sensitive to killing by NK cells. This combination will enhance the effectiveness of NK cell-based therapies and bring long-lasting benefits, free of harmful side-effects, to patients with TNBC. Importantly, the approach could also be used for the treatment of patients with other forms of cancer. We are undertaking this project in collaboration with Professor Grah…

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  3. THE: #DearSam: UK HE sector tells new minister Sam Gyimah what his priorities should be Sam Gyimah was appointed the new joint Minister for Higher Education at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and the Department for Education in this week’s reshuffle. Times Higher Education asked the HE sector what his priorities should be – UA chief executive Maddalaine Ansell was featured in the article. Maddalaine said: “Sam Gyimah takes on the role at an important juncture. His top priority is…

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  4. Research Fortnight HE: Four policy experts talk Brexit

    …the EU; EU students and research programmes. “Universities need to better communicate their civic role, because the institutions in my group, and I’m sure across the sector as a whole, make a huge difference to their local area. Regional stakeholders understand the value of the various universities in their area, but it’s about how we lift that into the national debate. We need to move away from the old-fashioned image of a university and into wh…

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  5. Turner Prize win for UCLAN professor

    …n made by the people of the Black Diaspora. Lubaina’s Turner Prize Exhibit Commenting after receiving the award, she said: “It’s great to win, especially as so many people in Preston were rooting for me. It will make a huge difference to my profile and give a platform to the issues I want to champion.” Lubaina, who was born in Zanzibar and grew up in London, was awarded an MBE in 2010. She made the headlines when the Turner Prize shortlist was ann…

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  6. Wonkhe: More than a vote of confidence – making the industrial strategy work

    …ess employer and student needs and expectations in the short, medium and long term – considering the skills gaps that exist today, and anticipating the demands of the future economy”. This is a welcome development which may even fill the hole left by the closure of the UK Commission for Employment and Skills earlier in the year. Read the full blog on Wonkhe here….

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  7. UA responds to the Industrial Strategy white paper

    …anchor institutions supporting place-based growth. “It is particularly welcome that today’s white paper signals a more strategic role for the Office for Students in identifying the future skills needs of the UK economy. Alongside this, the promise of extra core funding for university research and innovation will enable institutions to undertake more work alongside businesses of all sizes to raise productivity in every part of the economy. The ref…

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