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  1. University Alliance responds to Budget 2018

    …itical area of adult learning which as recent reports have shown is in free-fall. In addition, universities are facing rising cost pressures, exacerbated by this budget’s confirmation of increased costs for public sector pensions. We hope that when the independent Post-18 Review Panel reports next year, and the government finally responds these important issues will begin to be addressed. Greater clarity, support and funding will be essential for

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  2. University Alliance responds to UUK report on solving future skills challenges

    …xible post-18 funding system that allows learners to more easily blend full-time and part-time learning, the development of an ongoing research programme to better understand regional and national skills gaps and shortages, and the enhancement of employer involvement in student assessment.” Notes to editors: Earlier this year University Alliance published Ladders of Opportunity, which provides an overview of the distinct technical and professional…

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  3. THE: REF submission rules ‘could increase burden’ on departments

    …quote from Liz Bromley, acting chief executive of University Alliance. She commented: “getting the equality and diversity proposals right” would be a “nagging concern” for group leaders. While funding bodies had clearly “listened carefully to the sector’s concerns”, she said that “accounting for special staff circumstances, while clearly important, is a tricky business”. “The drawbacks of the current proposals are difficult to ignore,” Ms Bromley…

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  4. Impact on policy: Yvonne Parkes

    …Psychological Research Methods which she undertook whilst working as a part-time Research Assistant. Her master’s dissertation focussed on transgenderism, which inspired her to work with the LGBTQ+ community. Yvonne decided to embark on a PhD at NTU allowing her to help close a gap in knowledge at local and national policy about the experiences of LGBTQ+ Looked After Children. Currently the Office for National Statistics does not collect demograph…

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  5. Healthy ageing case study: Alex Jenkins

    …d less severe – chest infections following pulmonary rehabilitation, a well-established exercise and education-based intervention. The reasoning behind this was unclear, so this experience inspired me to take up research in this area,” he said. Now in the final year of his PhD at the University of Lincoln, Alex’s research not only aims to enhance knowledge but also the quality of life in patients with chronic lung disease as a way of preventing an…

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  6. Healthy ageing case study: Andrei Albulescu

    …ng and testing chemical probes to investigate sulforaphane, the main cancer-preventative compound found in broccoli. These probes mimic the activity of sulforaphane and via the use of techniques emit signals that will enable researchers to identify important interactions with proteins relevant to cancer and inflammatory diseases. Currently in the second year of his PhD project, Andrei’s research aims to promote a better understanding of the pathwa…

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  7. Healthy ageing case study: Rosie Donnell

    …sity of Plymouth – as once such mechanisms are established the potential exists to manipulate them to benefit in non-responding populations and also to help tackle ageing, diseases involving muscle weakness, and diabetes. Rosie had an unusual journey into research compared to most PhD students, as she has two GCSEs, no A-levels and no master’s degree. “When I started my undergraduate degree, I knew I had finally found something I was good at and e…

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  8. Energy case study: Anthony Slate

    …stewater, the research could help isolate the most effective bacteria to use, which would further optimise conditions and improve power outputs from MFCs. Anthony was inspired to undertake this multi-disciplinary subject combining microbiology and electrochemistry to challenge his development and become a more versatile research professional. Back to case studies page…

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  9. Energy case study: Sherna Salim

    …first year of her PhD at Nottingham Trent University The UK government has committed to reduce 80% of its carbon footprint by the year 2050. Meanwhile, the World Health Organisation has predicted that the number of people above 60 years of age will nearly double by 2050. Sherna’s research takes a fresh look at these two challenges by addressing the need to ensure older populations can live independently while also reducing the impact urbanisation…

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  10. Healthy ageing case study: Molly Browne

    …decline would continue. This inspired Molly to undertake a PhD at Coventry University to contribute to the evidence for promoting activity to combat this decline, maintain independence and encourage healthy ageing. Her research will focus on the impact of outdoor environments and outdoor-based activity on the physical and mental well-being of residents living with dementia in UK care homes. As a result she hopes her work will lead to a cultural ch…

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