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  1. The DTA Biosciences Summer School

    …-doctoral opportunities, research impact, generating public engagement and community involvement in research, transitioning to industry, and developing start-ups. These events also offer the opportunity to network and collaborate. At the Spring School earlier this year I was able to witness this first hand, meeting a student from UCLan who is looking into the relationship between urinary incontinence and ageing, a topic closely related to my own r…

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    DTA students at museum reception
  2. Jo Johnson MP Appointed as Minister of State

    …ation. Vanessa Wilson, Chief Executive of University Alliance said: “We welcome the minister back to the role during what is an important junction for UK higher education and the country. As we look to the needs of our economy and workforce post-Brexit, Alliance Universities are well-placed to deliver the high-level skills and creativity needed to drive the necessary innovation, workforce development and social change.” “In order to continue and e…

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    Jo Johnson MP
  3. TEA Webinar: Conversations on decolonising curricula/pedagogy

    …on decolonising curricula/pedagogy for members of the TEA. 21st June at 12:30pm This one hour webinar will focus on strategies for rethinking your curriculum in light of conversations concerning the decolonising of curricula. The webinar will encourage discussion with participants to reflect upon the questions typically asked by academics when planning a curriculum, and to consider strategies for revising common pedagogic approaches to curricula…

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    TEA decolonising the curricular webinar
  4. Alliance Universities Working to Tackle the HE ‘Care Leaver Crisis’

    …opportunities offered by higher education, shows this doesn’t have to be the case. Indeed, the continuation rates for those supported through the University’s KU Cares programme are now higher than the overall student population. They are extremely motivated students who have overcome real hardships and make an important contribution to the diverse learning environments on our campuses. “This pilot project is a welcome step towards ensuring they…

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    NNECL and UPP foundation logos
  5. University Alliance welcomes Government’s International Education Strategy

    …unced this morning. Vanessa Wilson, Chief Executive of University Alliance commented: “University Alliance welcomes the Government’s International Education Strategy. International education. This remains a huge and growing opportunity for the UK and our universities and with this strategy the government has clearly seen the potential in setting out how it intends to maximise this opportunity. The UK prides itself as a world-leading university sec…

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  6. University Alliance responds to Immigration White Paper

    Liz Bromley, Acting CEO of University Alliance commented: “Today’s long awaited Immigration White Paper clearly indicates a very different direction of travel for UK immigration policy. We welcome the news that international students will be able to remain in the UK for six months following graduation, and the lifting of the cap for skilled migration. We would hope to see this more flexible attitude filter through to other areas of policy. The th…

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  7. University Alliance statement on Damian Hinds’ speech on L4/5

    Liz Bromley, Acting CEO of University Alliance commented: “We are always keen to welcome a greater political focus on the technical and professional education which Alliance universities provide so well. As with any reform the key will be not just warm words, but ensuring that change is implemented at the right pace, with correct consultation, and crucially within a properly funded tertiary education system. There is a risk of creating an artific…

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  8. University Alliance responds to Pearson-CBI Education & Skills Survey

    Liz Bromley, Acting CEO of University Alliance commented: “University Alliance is not surprised by either the continuing importance that employers attach to technical & professional education or the challenges they foresee in its delivery. Our members across the country highlight many of the same opportunities & challenges to us. It is troubling to see the statistics in this report around critical issues like employer engagement in education and…

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  9. University Alliance responds to Budget 2018

    Liz Bromley, Acting CEO of University Alliance commented: “This was a disappointing, if not surprising budget. There remain huge structural questions about the future funding and direction, not just of higher education but also of our partners in further education, as well as the critical area of adult learning which as recent reports have shown is in free-fall. In addition, universities are facing rising cost pressures, exacerbated by this budge…

    Read more of: University Alliance responds to Budget 2018