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  1. University Alliance responds to Immigration White Paper

    …ates a very different direction of travel for UK immigration policy. We welcome the news that international students will be able to remain in the UK for six months following graduation, and the lifting of the cap for skilled migration. We would hope to see this more flexible attitude filter through to other areas of policy. The thrust of much of the white paper however will be a real challenge to University Alliance members and Britain’s world le…

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  2. University Alliance statement on Damian Hinds’ speech on L4/5

    …ey, Acting CEO of University Alliance commented: “We are always keen to welcome a greater political focus on the technical and professional education which Alliance universities provide so well. As with any reform the key will be not just warm words, but ensuring that change is implemented at the right pace, with correct consultation, and crucially within a properly funded tertiary education system. There is a risk of creating an artificial divide…

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  3. University Alliance responds to Pearson-CBI Education & Skills Survey

    Liz Bromley, Acting CEO of University Alliance commented: “University Alliance is not surprised by either the continuing importance that employers attach to technical & professional education or the challenges they foresee in its delivery. Our members across the country highlight many of the same opportunities & challenges to us. It is troubling to see the statistics in this report around critical issues like employer engagement in education and…

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  4. University Alliance responds to Budget 2018

    Liz Bromley, Acting CEO of University Alliance commented: “This was a disappointing, if not surprising budget. There remain huge structural questions about the future funding and direction, not just of higher education but also of our partners in further education, as well as the critical area of adult learning which as recent reports have shown is in free-fall. In addition, universities are facing rising cost pressures, exacerbated by this budge…

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  5. University Alliance responds to UUK report on solving future skills challenges

    …es UK, University Alliance Acting Chief Executive Liz Bromley said: “We welcome this report’s call for closer collaboration between universities, employers and government to ensure the post-18 education system continues to meet demand for high level technical and transferable skills and allows learners to upskill and reskill throughout their lives. Alliance universities are leaders in developing and delivering higher level technical and profession…

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  6. THE: REF submission rules ‘could increase burden’ on departments

    …quote from Liz Bromley, acting chief executive of University Alliance. She commented: “getting the equality and diversity proposals right” would be a “nagging concern” for group leaders. While funding bodies had clearly “listened carefully to the sector’s concerns”, she said that “accounting for special staff circumstances, while clearly important, is a tricky business”. “The drawbacks of the current proposals are difficult to ignore,” Ms Bromley…

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  7. Impact on policy: Yvonne Parkes

    …led to further employment in a women’s refuge, as a foster carer and to becoming a special guardian. Initially she believed that higher education was not for someone like her. But a conversation with a friend with a similar background who attended Nottingham Trent University (NTU) changed her mind. Yvonne embarked on an undergraduate degree in social work at the university and was encouraged by her course tutor to stay on to undertake a MRes in P…

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  8. Healthy ageing case study: Andrei Albulescu

    …chemical probes to investigate sulforaphane, the main cancer-preventative compound found in broccoli. These probes mimic the activity of sulforaphane and via the use of techniques emit signals that will enable researchers to identify important interactions with proteins relevant to cancer and inflammatory diseases. Currently in the second year of his PhD project, Andrei’s research aims to promote a better understanding of the pathways, mechanisms…

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  9. Healthy ageing case study: Rosie Donnell

    …sity of Plymouth – as once such mechanisms are established the potential exists to manipulate them to benefit in non-responding populations and also to help tackle ageing, diseases involving muscle weakness, and diabetes. Rosie had an unusual journey into research compared to most PhD students, as she has two GCSEs, no A-levels and no master’s degree. “When I started my undergraduate degree, I knew I had finally found something I was good at and e…

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