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  1. International Day of Happiness: reflecting on what makes us happy

    …of belonging to) our social groups that is consequential for our wellbeing. In order to study the relationship between group identification and happiness, my colleagues and I gathered survey data in Italy and Scotland from almost 4,000 people. We measured the extent of their identification with their family, local community, and a third group of their choice. We also measured their satisfaction with life, a key component of happiness. We found th…

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  2. Submission to the Independent Review of Higher Education Funding and Student Finance – Second call for evidence

    …wide range of sources (public and private) and well-established hierarchies. UK universities operate a non-standardised system of degree classifications and are mostly self-regulating through the QAA with HEFCE operating as a financial regulator in relation to use of public funding. The ‘UK HE’ brand as a whole is based on quality and, therefore, the drivers for high quality provision and self- regulation on standards are very strong. Given the na…

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  3. Using bees’ communication patterns to improve energy efficiency in homes

    …stem works. This feedback will enable the researchers to try and understand whether, when accessing this new communication method, people are subsequently likely change to their behaviour when it comes to energy use. Later on, a form of technology, either an app or another smart system is to be developed to relay this accurate information to energy consumers….

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  4. New study shows employers value job ready graduates – especially when they get to work with them before graduation

    …rom the interviews with a further 29 available online at About University Alliance: University Alliance brings together leading global universities for science, technology, design and the professions to tackle the big issues facing universities, people and the economy. Our aim is to help build a strong future for UK universities by creating a constructive and positive space for debate and new ideas. Alliance universi…

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  5. Jack Hanson – University of Derby

    …His parents have been able to watch several of his games during the season. Coming to uni by his own admission has “been a massive step up” as he has become used to operating independently for the first time. “It’s halfway to being an adult,” he says. “Worst comes to worst, you ring your parents and ask, ‘does this go in the wash with this?’, or ‘how do I cook that?’ It’s a fun challenge.” Having quickly adapted to university and student life des…

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  6. Kingston University research into communicating with BAME communities

    …to mitigate the risk of Covid-19 among UK black, Asian and minority ethnic communities. Insights will be shared with community leaders and policy makers including NHS England and the National Institute for Health Protection. The Cabinet Office invited Dr Tushna Vandrevala from Kingston University and her reserch partners to present their findings outlining why BAME communities may be disproportionately affected by Covid-19 and how targeted health…

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  7. 2020 reviewed by our networks

    …equality, equity and inclusivity with high profile leaders from across the UK. “In a year with so much events that have changed perspectives and called for more needed action, it was important for me to kick start a project that inspires not just our student community but other leaders and individuals to speak up and help create a positive future.” Augusta has so far spoken to Professor Steve West (Vice-Chancellor and President atUWE Bristol), Rad…

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  8. SuNSE: stimulating social enterprise in isolated regions of Northern Europe

    …ll be conducted to measure impact and to help shape future policy decisions. Previous workshops Coming soon The SUNSE Social Enterprise (Evening) Academy (SSEEA) … This will help you to use the SuNSE toolkit ( effectively, build up your idea canvasses to give you ‘idea clarity’, and help prepare you to use Line 2 – Prepare your detailed Business Plan. This will be run by the University of Greenwich and Hogeschool voor de…

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