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  1. USW rapid point-of-care Covid-19 test a step closer to being available

    …gnostic technology. The research to date shows that the test performs well compared to the official Public Health Wales testing regime. The team have formed strong links with industry and the health service to develop the test kits and the reader device. The Welsh Government grant will enable the pre-production prototypes of both the electronic device and the molecular assay element of the test to be evaluated and validated for regulatory approval…

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  2. UA welcomes expansion of post-18 education and skills

    Commenting ahead of the PM’s speech, UA CEO Vanessa Wilson welcomed the expected announcements, “As leaders in delivering professional and technical education and collaborating with businesses of all sizes, we have long argued for many of today’s announcements, including flexible loans and modular credits, doing more to support SMEs to take on apprentices, and scrapping restrictions that prevent adults from re-entering higher education. “We hope…

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  3. UA responds to updated DfE guidelines for universities

    …es are Covid-secure and that their students are aware of and observe all relevant guidelines both on and off campus. “They have continued to go above and beyond, remaining incredibly flexible to do everything in their power to support students, staff and our communities during this extraordinary period for the sector, and the nation. “Alliance universities will continue working in consultation with public health experts to develop plans in line wi…

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  4. UA reacts to the Secretary of State for Education’s speech on FE reform

    …cting to the speech, Chief Executive of University Alliance Vanessa Wilson commented: “We’re pleased to see the government put further and technical education at the heart of our post-16 education system. Further education has been scandalously underfunded for far too long, and it needs to be an integral part of the education landscape, now more than ever. “However, we were disappointed that the Secretary of State abolished the 50% target of young…

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  5. University Alliance letter on the recovery and regeneration efforts

    …University Alliance have today (30 June 2020) sent the following letter to Ministers across the Department for Education, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, outlining how Alliance universities can support the covid recovery and regeneration efforts.  …

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  6. Public believes HE will be important to UK’s recovery from Covid

    …) as things that universities were doing as part of the national effort to combat Covid-19. Professor Debra Humphris, Chair of University Alliance and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Brighton and a former nurse, said: “It is gratifying that the role of universities in both the battle with COVID-19 and the national effort to rebuild in its aftermath is being recognised by the public. “Alliance universities work closely with the NHS and social…

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  7. Joint statement on university admissions

    …ents is: we understand and universities are here for you. Universities are committed to doing all they can to support students and applicants and ensure they can progress to university. This will involve being flexible and responsive in their admissions processes. We want to reassure students who have applied to university, or are thinking of doing so through clearing, that every effort will be made to ensure they are not disadvantaged in any way…

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  8. TEA Sandpit Triumphs at this year’s SEDA Conference

    …cational development initiatives that demonstrably improve practice and outcomes in higher education. TEA Sandpits have been hosted by individual members of the TEA and have been attended by over 300 staff and students. The intensive one-day events focus on finding concrete solutions to some of the greatest challenges within HE teaching and learning. Participants tease out “quick wins” and strategic workable long-term solutions to ‘wicked’ problem…

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  9. Leeds Beckett University

    …lion to the economy every year. The university has been recognised for its commitment to graduate employability and providing students with transferable skills. All undergraduate courses include at least two weeks work-related learning each year and this contributed to Leeds Beckett being award silver in the Teaching Excellence Framework. Three prominent research institutes for sport, sustainability and health make Leeds Beckett a leader in applie…

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  10. The DTA is International- Part 2

    …. A few months into my PhD I spoke to my DTA supervisor. I mentioned a few companies I knew were offering placements for PhD students and he was very supportive. Ideally it had to be related to my research project but, as a student working on a renewable energy, specifically on wind turbines in cold climates, I thought this would be hard to achieve. Towards the end of my first year of PhD, my supervisors informed me about the Newton fund call. It…

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