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  1. University of South Wales’ Clinical Simulation Centre

    …authentic and clinically challenging. What’s inside? The Clinical Simulation Centre provides a well equipped, state of the art facility which can replicate a range of clinical settings and includes: Nursing bays ICU with adjoining debriefing room Clinical Skills room The Community Flat A paediatric cubicle Media Control Suite Assessment Rooms Midwifery Unit & SCBU A paediatric high dependency area Ultrasound rooms Ambulance and Emergency Medicine…

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  2. Manufacturing the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine

    …global coronavirus pandemic has shown how important this sector is and therefore, we are very pleased to be able to work alongside key partners such as FUJIFILM Diosynth Technologies to help in the global fight against the virus. “We look forward to further collaboration with FDB as it carries out this incredibly important work developing the vaccine.” Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of Teesside University, Professor Paul Croney, added: “At Te…

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  3. Government must allow all remaining Higher Education students to return

    …as well as face to face teaching and interaction, which will in of itself combat isolation. “Universities nationwide, not least those within the University Alliance, are well placed to support a safe return to in person teaching, with extensive asymptomatic testing, increased cleaning, updated guidance on social distancing, ventilation and face coverings in place. The government must urgently take action and allow a 12th April return to campus fo…

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    Vanessa Wilson CEO
  4. Government must protect research funding and Horizon association

    …al research focused on real-world issues aimed at making concrete changes in local communities and improving the quality of life in local areas.” Highlighting how Alliance universities, due to the more applied nature of their research, have traditionally benefited from the UK being part of the Horizon programme, the letter welcomes the UK’s continued association, but calls for clarity on how this association will be funded. The full letter, signed…

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  5. Oxford Brookes University develop vaccine

    …Research has been conducted through their spinout company, Oxford Expression Technologies Ltd, to develop a Covid-19 vaccine. Awarded a grant by Innovate UK to work in partnership with Vaxine Pty Ltd. Covax-19® is a vaccine based on production of recombinant spike protein manufactured in insect cells and the Innovate UK grant will enable OET experts to use their technology to help Vaxine to improve the yield and scale of production….

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  6. Teesside University support the manufacture of a vaccine

    …global coronavirus pandemic has shown how important this sector is and therefore, we are very pleased to be able to work alongside key partners such as FUJIFILM Diosynth Technologies to help in the global fight against the virus. “We look forward to further collaboration with FDB as it carries out this incredibly important work developing the vaccine.” Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of Teesside University, Professor Paul Croney, added: “At Te…

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  7. The DTA celebrates International Women’s Day 2021 with an ‘in conversation with’ talk

    …h Wales), who was joined by Co-Chairs of the DTA Researcher Representative Committee – Ana Tendero-Cañadas (Bioscience, Brighton), April Murray Cantwell (Social Policy, Sheffield Hallam) and Katheryn Margaret Pascoe (Social Policy, Ulster). In their talk, the DTA leaders discussed the challenges for women in research careers, why the DTA reps put themselves forwards for leadership roles, the development of leadership skills and many things in betw…

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  8. University Alliance shares highlights from members’ offerings during National Apprenticeships Week

    …iceship Course at Leeds Beckett University. She has worked at ASDA for eleven years, recently joining the technology team. Andrew, a Quality Specialist with an international manufacturing company, undertook a Degree Apprenticeship in Management and Leadership. Coventry University sat down for a chat with him.…

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  9. UA hosts Research & Innovation roundtable with Professor Dame Ottoline Leyser, Chief Executive of UKRI

    …rt women, BAME and other underrepresented groups; collaboration with local communities and business to support levelling-up and address inequality, and life-long researching opportunities and investment in Early Career Researchers including through UA’s Doctoral Training Alliance. The roundtable also provided an opportunity to share challenges that Alliance universities faced in efforts to progress this agenda and to identify shared solutions and…

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  10. UA responds to NMC update on placements

    …e regional variance in local capacity and demand for placements. It is therefore welcome that the NMC have today re-introduced emergency standards allowing 3rd year nursing students to enter paid placements, whilst retaining flexibility for higher education institutions to make decisions in partnership with service partners. Alliance universities will continue to work incredibly closely with local healthcare providers and public health bodies to r…

    Read more of: UA responds to NMC update on placements