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  1. DTA guidance for taking care of mental health and wellbeing

    …Training Alliance have developed the DTA guidance for taking care of mental health and wellbeing for their postgraduate researchers. The guidance is designed to support DTA students to: Develop their knowledge of the most common difficulties affecting the mental health of PhD researchers as well as tips to deal with them Find out about the professional services available at their institution to support their mental health and wellbeing  …

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  2. Briefing on mental health and wellbeing support offered by Alliance universities

    …th and wellbeing of staff and students has been at the forefront of our response to the pandemic and was key to ensuring teaching and learning continued effectively. This briefing outlines the support given by Alliance universities to their student communities throughout the crisis. It includes examples of: Student support including for those isolating Support for particular groups of students Financial support and the provision of digital infrast…

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  3. UA responds to the Government’s plans for post-qualification university admissions

    Commenting on the announcement today from the Secretary of State for Education, Gavin Williamson MP, to review the university admissions system, University Alliance Chief Executive Vanessa Wilson said: “This is a timely call for a consultation to develop a more fair and transparent system of admissions that delivers equity of opportunity for all. “Sharpening up contextual admissions policies in particular is crucial if the government is serious a…

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  4. Bristol Robotics lab helps provide access to art for disabled people in self-isolation

    …rience enables visitors to move around the gallery via their smartphone or computer and zoom into the detail of the paintings and sculptures on display. Praminda Caleb-Solly, Professor of Assistive Robotics and Intelligent Health Technologies at the Bristol Robotics Lab, said: “There are numerous applications for telepresence robots within health and social care, and it is disappointing that we are not making more use of these to support people, p…

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  5. ARU Nurse blogs on working on the coronavirus front line

    …self to expand the knowledge and skills that I’ll eventually need when I become a registered nurse. I also wanted to be able to support the NHS as much as I could. Here are five major parts of my experience that I will never forget. Wearing a surgical mask/FFP3 mask As soon as I started placement, I was told that we would have to wear a surgical mask throughout our 13-hour shifts. The first couple of days of wearing the mask were challenging, espe…

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  6. Teesside University health psychologist launches online sessions to help people cope with lockdown 

    …for people with long-term health conditions, which launched last year and commenced as a pilot research project prior to Covid-19. When first launching, Dr Kilinic said: ‘I wanted to do something to help people with long-term health conditions during this extremely challenging time,’ said Dr Kilinç, a Senior Lecturer in Psychology. ‘During the sessions, individuals will be supported to reflect upon their self-management and wellbeing by taking pa…

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  7. Coventry University contributes resources and materials to fight against COVID-19

    …University contributed human resources and materials to assist the NHS to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. In short: 202 student nurses, 174 nursing associate apprentices and 35 student midwives from across all campuses in Coventry, Scarborough and London were deployed in frontline roles in the NHS. 25 PhD students and research staff volunteered to help University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) with testing patients for COVID-19 while ab…

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  8. BCU research to assess impact of COVID-19 social distancing on over 70s

    …pact of self-isolation over time and this will continue until government recommendations to social distance are lifted. Researchers will evaluate the needs of individuals during this time and how well they are met, with participants including both people who live alone and those who live with someone – usually a spouse. The findings hope to contribute to a set of practical guidance measures to help over 70s cope with social isolation, as well as d…

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  9. The Digital Innovation Fund: UWE Bristol’s £1m Covid-19 Recovery Fund

    …re. Pro Vice Chancellor for Research and Enterprise Professor Martin Boddy commented: “UWE Bristol is delighted to open its Digital Innovation Fund, £1m of grant funding to support businesses in the West of England to address new challenges caused by Covid-19. “Any SME in the area that is undertaking a digital innovation or research and development project should consider applying. We are offering a sliding scale of grants, from £10k to £40k, so h…

    Read more of: The Digital Innovation Fund: UWE Bristol’s £1m Covid-19 Recovery Fund