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  1. Guardian – Almost a quarter of postgrad students at English universities are Chinese

    The Guardian reports that figures from the Higher Education Funding Council for England show falling numbers of international students in the UK. In response Libby Hackett, Chief Executive of University Alliance said, “this is further evidence that we are losing international students to other nations due to the UK’s restrictive policy on post-study work visas. This is harming our economy as well as our universities.” Read the full article….

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  2. 2014: A Crucial Year for Higher Education

    …Writing for the Huffington Post, Libby Hackett looks at what is in store for 2014 and argues that it is a critical year for higher education. She says, “The historic announcement at the end of last year that the Government is going to fund the removal of limits to the number of students going to university raises some interesting questions for higher education as we enter 2014.” Read the full article here….

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  3. The Times – Up to 60,000 more students after end of university cap

    …Universities will be able to admit about 30,000 more undergraduates from next autumn, in a significant expansion of higher education announced yesterday reports Greg Hurst in The Times. Libby Hackett, chief executive of University Alliance, said: “These extra places will ensure the UK can meet the need for additional highly-skilled graduates helping us meet the demands of the future economy.” Read the article….

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