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  1. Research Fortnight: Remember them? Education isn’t just for young people. It’s time to look again at lifetime learning accounts.

    …fore the summer recess, will be too quick and dirty to develop major policy change, but it could set in train more thorough policy activity looking at truly radical options.” Read the full article here (£) or click on the image.  …

    Read more of: Research Fortnight: Remember them? Education isn’t just for young people. It’s time to look again at lifetime learning accounts.
  2. Guardian: Richer students have higher graduate income, study finds

    …graduate incomes. The report found that students from richer homes earn thousands more after graduating than their poorer peers – even if they attended the same universities. Prof Steve West, chairman of University Alliance, said: “The report’s most striking conclusion is the extent to which a graduate’s family background remains a key factor determining their earnings. This needs to change. Universities have a role to play in addressing this ineq…

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  3. Guardian: Snobbery is outdated – universities have to train students for jobs

    …sistently given in student surveys as the main motivation for going to university, and students expect a professional degree to prepare them for their chosen profession. This is as true in law, engineering, architecture and medicine as it is in nursing, education or management,” she writes. Read the full article here….

    Read more of: Guardian: Snobbery is outdated – universities have to train students for jobs
  4. UA responds to the Stern Review of the REF

    …ncome input against research quality output. National research data infrastructure should be developed as a one-stop shop for information for researchers and the HE sector more broadly. The analytical function and expertise which has been built up around the REF should form the nucleus of a national research analysis unit, informing the entire UK research and innovation ecosystem in an advisory role to Research UK when it is formed. Environment an…

    Read more of: UA responds to the Stern Review of the REF