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  1. THE: REF results reopen funding debate

    …se in the proportion of academic research classed as world-leading or internationally excellent has reopened the debate about how quality-related funding is distributed. Meanwhile, Steve West, chair of University Alliance, said that the question of how university research is funded is “critical” at a time when public spending is under scrutiny. “Previous funding decisions have been right to seek out and fund the teams doing leading research rather…

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  2. University Alliance review into developing the best environment for research excellence

    …ure which acknowledges the complex feedback loops necessary to successful, world-leading research and innovation. The concept of an ecosystem can help us understand the complementarity, collaboration and interdependency throughout the system, which contributes to the success of the whole. The aim is to keep this ecosystem healthy, responsive and adaptable in the face of a changing landscape – which is why we think it is time to interrogate researc…

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    Innovative students
  3. Alliance universities to receive almost a quarter of HEFCE investment to boost STEM teaching facilities

    …o ensure the higher education sector can develop the facilities and infrastructure vital to meeting the increasing demand for STEM subjects. They include new provision in Chemistry and Physics, which declined during the last decade. Many of the projects support new collaborations with industry and sharing of space between subjects to support innovative teaching and improve efficiency. Funding is awarded on a matched basis with industry. Sam Jones,…

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  4. University Alliance responds to Growth through People report

    …oyers, large and small, already collaborating with Alliance universities, revealed that they really value working with universities. They like partnerships with universities that deliver results and help them to find graduates who can hit the ground running. “University-business partnerships add huge value to students, business and the UK’s economy and society. We need more of them. It will take a lot of hard work and commitment but in doing so wi…

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  5. University Alliance responds to HEPI’s ‘Guide to Student Number Controls’

    …way it is regulated is fit for purpose and suitable for a rapidly changing world. “Our view is that there should be a single regulatory body for all higher education providers in England. This body would, ideally, commission the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) to undertake quality assurance across the system. Whatever framework is developed, a balanced approach to quality, acknowledging the importance of both external accountability and self-regula…

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  6. The Guardian: What skills do you need besides a postgraduate degree?

    …through business partnerships to get their students job ready. “Wates Construction helps students at Liverpool John Moores University to obtain certificates that enable them to go straight onto building sites; aircraft repair company GE takes up to 60 interns a year from the University of New South Wales; and Coventry University runs a global leaders programme for postgraduates, including lectures from inspirational leaders of global organisations…

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  7. University Alliance responds to Shadow Universities Minister’s vision for the future of HE

    …h more positive work that is going on right across the higher education sector, especially by Alliance universities, and it is essential that this work is supported if we are to avoid leaving whole swathes of the population behind. “Mr Byrne also recognises there is already a rich existing infrastructure delivering world-class research. We would urge any policy development to look to existing excellence within the system. Alliance universities hav…

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  8. University Alliance welcomes Greg Clark MP as Minister of State for Universities and Science

    …is an exciting time for UK higher education and research. Our place in the world as global leaders in higher education and the role of universities as anchor institutions within their cities and regions will only become more significant through University Enterprise Zones and city deals. Alliance universities are at the heart of the changing higher education, driving the employability, entrepreneurialism and innovation agendas and playing an impor…

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  9. How do we ensure quality in an expanding HE system?

    …d of quality assurance system is going to be fit for this more complex new world of expanding higher education. Quality assurance does, and should, sit within a broader framework for regulation of providers. This paper primarily focuses on quality assurance rather than the wider regulatory system. We have set out nine recommendations for the future of the quality assurance system in England. Image by Dave Herholz An HE Bill should be introduced as…

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  10. 8th June, Job Ready: Universities, businesses and students creating success

    …skills mismatch? How do we build an innovative workforce, the envy of the world? Join us at the launch of… Job Ready Universities, businesses and students creating success Tuesday 8 July, 12.30pm – 2.30pm Churchill Room, House of Commons, London With short speeches from the Rt Hon David Willetts MP, CBI and British Airways We would be delighted if you could join us as we showcase and discuss excellence in universities and businesses working toget…

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