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  1. Graduate recruitment survey is good news for graduates and the economy

    …enerate more than double the turnover of the average English graduate start-up company. As well as building on today’s good news about graduate employability we will continue to work with Government to ensure it creates the right environment for new start-ups.” / end. Notes for editors Examples of a different approach to graduate employability: Nottingham Trent University is one of the top ten universities in England and Wales for graduate employm…

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  2. Maddalaine Ansell article on ‘The Comprehensive University’

    …qual society is a classic wicked problem; however you try to solve it, you come across competing ideas of fairness and incentives that drive in different directions. How do you judge between the bright, hard-working child who achieved excellent A-level results with the support of the best schooling money can buy and the bright, hard-working child who might have done just as well—or even better—if they had had the same opportunity, but actually did…

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  3. Professor John Latham announced as new Alliance chair

    …Board of Directors alongside Alliance Treasurer Professor Edward Peck, Vice-Chancellor of Nottingham Trent University. Commenting, University Alliance Chair Professor John Latham said: “The Brexit vote made it clear that too many parts of Britain feel left behind. Theresa May is right to highlight this as one of the biggest challenges facing us as a society. “Civic universities have a critical role to play in meeting the aspirations the new Prime…

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  4. New chair of University Alliance to be Professor Steve West

    …roup of 24 universities offering a distinct student experience shaped by a commitment to delivering world-class research and a culture of enterprise and innovation built on close partnerships with business, the professions and their communities. Alliance universities educate over 28% of all UK students and achieve some of the highest graduate-level employment rates. Alliance universities offer a research- informed, academic learning environment an…

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  5. Integrating research-based learning across the university: University of Lincoln

    …, this principle of research-engaged teaching, as a development of research-informed teaching, has become the organising principle of teaching and learning across the University of Lincoln. In 2013 the QAA awarded a commendation to the University for its enhancement of student learning opportunities, citing Student as Producer alongside other novel approaches to student engagement. Student as Producer provides students at all levels with opportuni…

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  6. University group calls for rethink on social mobility

    …of students coming from lower income or under-represented backgrounds.”   -Ends- Notes to editors Media contacts – Sam Jones 07767673982, or Andrew Henry on 07833 236629. The University Alliance response to the Social Mobility and Child Poverty review can be found here. It includes case studies of innovative and creative initiatives at Alliance universities – often delivered in partnership…

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  7. Report shows universities need recognition as essential to government’s growth plans

    …ducate over 26% of all UK students and achieve some of the highest graduate-level employment rates. Alliance universities offer a research- informed, academic learning environment and a culture of innovation and enterprise, equipping graduates who will help deliver growth to the UK economy. Our universities maintain a revolving door with business to help ensure graduate employers get innovative and thoughtful, professionally accredited graduates w…

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  8. How Alliance universities are leading a path through a difficult economic climate

    …ance of spending every pound of public investment to the greatest effect becomes even more important. “This publication describes a longer-term approach that enables these universities to focus resource on their strengths. “In the right circumstances, Alliance universities would be able to deliver some more radical changes for the university sector. In order to do so, we would need the new Government to ensure stable, predictable funding along wit…

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