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Read blogs from members across the University Alliance and from the UA policy team

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  1. Partnerships with employers: how Alliance institutions are readying graduates for the job market

    Alliance universities work hand-in-glove with globally-renowned employers across the country to ensure our graduates leave with skills that allow them to step seamlessly into working life. As part of the UA Powering Jobs mini campaign, we’re demonstrating how our industry and employer partnerships equip Alliance students for their careers, and to navigate the ever-changing job market.…

    Read more of: Partnerships with employers: how Alliance institutions are readying graduates for the job market
  2. Our New Chief Executive Vanessa Wilson

    …ation has collapsed and the apprenticeship system has serious budget and structural flaws. We are in danger through chronic under funding of letting one of the UK’s most valuable assets: it’s education system, collapse The current volatile policy, political and public environment gives us the chance to put forward a bolder vision, mission and strategy for the entire education system. We must build consensus around the value that technical, profess…

    Read more of: Our New Chief Executive Vanessa Wilson