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  1. Enterprise Stars: Meet the student entrepreneurs – part 2

    …rsonal items secure while enjoying your favourite sports. Find out more at University of Salford Salsoc Synthesis: Idil Ismail and Nicola Guest Idil and Nicola, biochemistry and pharmaceutical science students, hope their business can alsohelp the University of Salford set a precedent among UK universities by ensuring their undergraduate chemistry laboratory classes practice ‘green chemistry’ and reduce…

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  2. Accessibility

    …t has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability. Compliance status This website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard, due to the non-compliances listed below. Non-accessible content The content listed below is non-accessible for the following reason(s): (a) the content is not within the scope of the accessibility regulations The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mob…

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  3. Communications Assistant

    …role University Alliance (UA) is looking for an ambitious and independent communications assistant to support our communications and external affairs team to deliver impactful advocacy work on behalf of the UK’s leading technical universities. The ideal candidate will be passionate about excellent communications, with an appetite for continuous learning and improvement to ensure our communications are always in line with current best practice. Th…

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  4. University Alliance ‘20 in 2020′

    …K, the BEIS Committee, Science and Technology committee, and the Education Committee. 12. Our core recommendation to government on care leavers, featured in a comment piece in the Guardian, is now the subject of a feasibility study commissioned by OfS. 13. We contributed to the OfS’s review of digital teaching and learning by holding an interactive session with Sir Michael Barber, Chair of OfS, and our Teaching and Learning Network, which we follo…

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  5. Inclusive arts practice: reaching new understandings of what is truly inclusive – University of Brighton

    …public to broaden the scope of inclusive arts. Across diverse sectors and communities, the work has enriched the cultural offer and the lives of specific, often marginalised, community groups, built new public and professional audiences for inclusive arts, and enabled partners to engage new audiences, giving their work legitimacy and licence to experiment. Alice Fox has fostered experiential-learning through the provision of creative practice-led…

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  6. Network exploring how robots can support people living with frailty

    …ider use of healthcare robots to support people living with frailty in the community. Individuals with frailty have different needs but, commonly, assistance is needed in activities related to mobility, self-care, domestic life and social activities. Whilst providing cost-effective and high-quality support for an aging population is a high priority issue, the lack of adequate social care provisions in the community and funding cuts have added to t…

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  7. Shortlist revealed for the Alliance Awards 2021

    …ccination centre.   Innovation award Coventry University’s Students’ Union Commercial Team– for finding new and innovative ways to generate income during the pandemic. University of South Wales Research Team-who developed a rapid diagnostic test for Covid-19. Birmingham City University’s ‘eXtended BCU’ Research, Enterprise, and Employability Project – defining the new normal with interactive virtual representations of physical spaces, so staff, st…

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  8. Covid-19 research and enterprise

    …Covid-19 related health issues such, while continuing to respond to other communicable and non-communicable diseases through their augmented and strengthened competence, while maintaining nursing capacity within the healthcare service.   Teesside University will support the manufacture of a Teesside vaccine by building the skills capacity of the region’s life science industry. The university’s National Horizons Centre will lead the work to develo…

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  9. Stronger Together: Building A University Alliance For The Future

    coming into higher education straight from my previous life as Director of Commercial & Communications at UK Sport. Our job was to enable 1100 outstanding Olympic and Paralympic National Lottery-funded athletes to realise their full potential. The talent, of course, was always there even when we languished at 36th on the medal table at Atlanta in 1996. It was only through building a high-performance system that we could find and nurture that talen…

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    Woman lifting weights
  10. From Bangladesh to Great Britain: university-business collaboration will bring a bright future

    …ss higher education across a geographically large region with very few universities. In Bangladesh, the conference ended with a commitment from the head of the Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry and the head of the University Grants Commission (roughly equivalent to a combined HEFCE and SFA) to work together to create more internships and work placements. In time this might grow to encompass other forms of collaboration. Th…

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