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  1. Do we really have 'too many graduates'?

    …frequently captured in newspaper headlines and widely held by many in the UK. But is it true? And if so, does it matter? On Tuesday 27 March, together with The Work Foundation, we held a roundtable event to launch our report ‘The way we’ll work: labour market trends and preparing for the hourglass’. The event was also an opportunity to discuss policy issues and recommendations on how the UK can respond to an increasingly hourglass-shaped labour m…

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  2. University Alliance response to graduate employment coverage

    …cators suggest that there is a shortage of graduates in the UK not too many. The UK economy is not presenting any of the labour market signals that would suggest there are too many graduates in the economy. Graduate vacancies continue to grow. Jobs in ‘graduate dense’ occupations are an increasing proportion of the total workforce. Graduate employment rates have been maintained despite the rapid expansion in the number of graduates. Added to all t…

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  3. Too many graduates?

    …higher. It is popularly agreed that ‘there are too many graduates’ in the UK. It is important to look at the evidence behind this claim as getting this right has big implications for the direction government policy should take as well as for individuals and the wider society. Seeking to increase the proportion of the UK workforce with degrees would be a waste of public (and, increasingly, private) funds if there really are ‘too many graduates’. E…

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  4. The Economist: ‘Pile them high’

    …In the article “Pile them high”, The Economist argues that ‘Steep tuition fees are not deterring most students. But the attempt to create a market in higher education is off track.” Libby Hackett, Director of University Alliance, comments: “At a time when our global competitors are increasing the number of graduates in the workforce to increase their capacity for economic growth, how can Britain justify a reduction in university places?”…

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  5. Tough times call for joined-up thinking

    …unemployed. This is not good for them and it is certainly not good for the UK economy. Urgent action is needed by this Government. The Chancellor has the opportunity to demonstrate some clear, joined up thinking tomorrow in the Autumn statement. Increasing the number of university places available will have a direct impact on youth unemployment whilst increasing the UK’s capacity for economic growth. No-one is suggesting these are easy decisions t…

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  6. BIS Technical Consultation – a new, fit-for-purpose regulatory framework for the Higher Education sector

    …pose regulatory framework for the Higher Education sector. Download it here.   We welcome the opportunity to respond to this consultation. At this critical juncture for the higher education sector, it is imperative that an appropriate regulatory framework follows the change in funding environment. Throughout our response to this consultation, as well as our response to the White Paper, we attempt to comment constructively on proposals. However we…

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  7. White Paper proposals will narrow access

    …elivering world-class research and a quality student experience around the UK. They are universities without boundaries: delivering economic and social growth through close links with their research, students and staff and the world around them – locally, nationally and internationally. With representation right across the UK they educate over 25% of all UK students, with large proportions of international and post-graduate students. Alliance univ…

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  8. WHITE NOISE: University Alliance Policy Seminar exploring the White Paper

    …ersity Alliance held its first policy seminar last week (5 July) taking an in-depth look at the White Paper. There was lively discussion and debate about the impact the White Paper could have on the sector, which will no doubt continue over the coming months. We are still looking at the White Paper and refining our analysis, but to give you an idea of our current thinking you can see the presentation Libby and Liz gave at the seminar below. Feel f…

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  9. More than just a degree: stories of empowered students

    …As these stories show, forward- thinking universities like the members of University Alliance consistently ask themselves the same question as they shape, plan and develop the experience they offer. They are coming up with innovative solutions to equip their students for the challenges ahead. Download ‘More than just a degree: stories of empowered students’ [PDF]…

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    sophie cousens
  10. University Alliance urges the Coalition Government to provide a vision for the UK economy

    …ing economic growth. Public investment in UK higher education is lower than the OECD average – we are lagging behind countries like Poland and Slovenia as well as the US, Canada, Sweden and Germany. Global companies will not invest in the UK without serious public commitments from this Government about their strategic investment in higher education and research.”…

    Read more of: University Alliance urges the Coalition Government to provide a vision for the UK economy