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  1. A Student Placement

    …and I cannot begin to promote the benefits of doing a placement year enough. It is often said that you become a different person by the time you finish your placement year, and at first I considered this to be another cliché hook to try and entice you into doing a placement… but I was wrong. It is actually true, I know that I have become very different from the timid and inexperienced person I was on my first day, and I can easily recognise that I…

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  2. How do we ensure quality in an expanding system?

    …for this new world? We have a strong and an intelligent system, but it is coming under intense scrutiny. From the Office of Fair Trading (closing today) to the Quality Assurance Agency, from Higher Education Funding Council for England to the Higher Education Policy Institute – so many viewpoints, so many interests. There is, of course, a particular interest from the Treasury, reflected in the 2014 grant letter from BIS which specifically asked H…

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  3. University Alliance calls for a re-think on university funding

    …ning our ability to equip our workforce for the future needs of the economy. The UK needs to find better ways to support retraining and development opportunities if we are to compete. “Unless we start to address these long-term funding questions about sustainability and flexibility, we will not be able to deliver the higher education sector needed to drive our economy, far beyond the existing level of traditional full-time undergraduate places. Th…

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  4. Sunday Times – Plan digital future for universities

    …en we need to build a more dynamic economy such as in the creative and digital industries. A study last week found the UK digital economy was 40% bigger than estimated, with at least 270,000 digital companies. We should be looking to create a diverse university sector that provides firms with the capacity they need in a competitive global arena. Read the full article….

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  5. University of Wales, Newport

    …, including industry standard qualifications, like ACCA, CIMA, CIM and CIPD. Strong links with industry and commerce – and rated for three years running as the best University in Wales for entrepreneurship by the Knowledge Exploitation Fund (KEF). A strong focus on collaboration including a new Faculty structure to encourage cross curricular development and entrepreneurialism amongst students and graduates. Best ever results in the latest Research…

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  6. University Alliance support announcement on international student migration

    …es. Voices across the university and business sector have joined this critical debate in the last few weeks calling for a sensible approach to net migration figures in line with our international competitors. “We would ask the Government to work with the sector on this important issue to explore ways of ensuring the UK remains open to international students.”…

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  7. Graduate Employability: Where next?

    …ing at the important issue of graduate employability and the future of the UK’s labour market. Ensuring graduates are ready for work and a fulfilling career is a complex issue, and one that cannot be cracked alone. Students, institutions, employers and government all have a part to play. How do these parts work together to help ensure graduates are able to find work in an increasingly competitive jobs market? How does the higher education system e…

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  8. University Alliance welcome new national centre of university-business collaboration

    …key. The way it is funded will play a critical role in this. Public funding cannot be the only source; it must seek more innovative funding models that engage its partners from universities and business.” –ends– Press contact – Andrew Henry, | 07833 236 629 About University Alliance University Alliance is a group of 23 universities offering a distinct student experience shaped by a commitment to delivering world-c…

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