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  1. Efficiency, leadership and partnership: an approach that delivers shared economic priorities

    …niversities in order to secure future economic growth. The UK Government’s commitment to achieving economic recovery and future growth is not in question but the fiscal deficit puts a different framework on decisions regarding investment and public spending in this country. The Government shares many of the economic priorities of universities including: equipping a highly-skilled workforce; driving innovation through partnership with business and…

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  2. New Chair for University Alliance

    …Russell Group, the 94 Group or Million Plus. Professor Craven is about to complete his three year term as chair. Professor Janet Beer said: “I am honoured to be entrusted by my colleagues with this significant position. Professor Craven’s leadership over the last three years has been instrumental in establishing the University Alliance as an effective new national voice for a group of important institutions. Our members are incredibly grateful to…

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  3. THE: Letter to the Editor – Language Alliance

    …ance institutions – particularly in French, German and Spanish., and often combined with the study of contemporary European politics or culture rather than literature. In addition, University Alliance members have a strong commitment to institution-wide language programmes that make a great variety of languages available to students from other disciplines even if they have little or no background in the languages from school study. This represents…

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  4. UA’s response to the Migration Advisory Committee’s review of the Graduate Route Visa

    …f University Alliance has responded to the MAC review of the graduate route: “Today’s report has highlighted the substantial benefits of the graduate route to the UK. The route is clearly helping the government meet the objectives it set out and should be seen as a significant policy success. Any changes to the graduate route would be an inexplicable own goal, and I am very pleased the MAC has recognised that. Unfortunately, the government’s ban o…

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  5. Professional and technical universities come top for student experience

    …ased today (28 September 2023), University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “As University Alliance we are immensely proud of the fantastic and innovative teaching at Alliance universities, which today’s published Teaching Excellence Framework results attest to. Currently, over a third (36%) of all Alliance universities in England are ranked gold for teaching quality, with 57% scoring gold for student experience. That makes Alliance universities…

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  6. 8 areas that will affect universities in the coming months

    …universities over the next twelve to eighteen months, in his thought piece : “A Changing Wind from all Directions”. Through the report, Griffiths reports on factors both good and bad for the sector, and on opportunities for Higher Education to realign itself with societal challenges and a congested regulatory environment. The factors include: Policies and policy institutes Economic Socio-economical Technological Legal Pedagogical drive Equality an…

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  7. UA comments on measures for 2021 exams

    …ing additional reassurance to learners, schools and colleges and offers welcome clarity for universities to enable them to best plan to support students through the recruitment cycle. “The welcome contingency planning will help ensure learners are not unfairly disadvantaged if they face disruption, and Alliance universities will continue to be flexible and responsive to support learners to progress to further study and succeed once at university….

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