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  1. Guardian: The bank that likes to say och aye

    …up with Nobel prizewinner Mohammad Yunus, of microbanking fame. Gillies, a community health specialist, understood that providing economic opportunities for women – the principle behind Yunus’s renowned Grameen bank – was key to improving health and social outcomes for the most disadvantaged in society. Gillies is now principal of Glasgow Caledonian University, and in a few weeks’ time she plans to sit down with UK government officials, including…

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  2. Efficiency, leadership and partnership: an approach that delivers shared economic priorities

    …r partnerships with new industries and use of new technologies. Our global competitors, including the emerging economies, are investing heavily in universities in order to secure future economic growth. The UK Government’s commitment to achieving economic recovery and future growth is not in question but the fiscal deficit puts a different framework on decisions regarding investment and public spending in this country. The Government shares many o…

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  3. University Alliance respond to Policy Exchange report on area of 'crucial economic importance'

    …ort should focus on removing potential barriers. We strongly support the recommendation that the Government should aim to increase the number and scope of the highly successful Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs). “We fully support the focus on maintaining a world class research base and that concentration of research funding, based on excellence, must continue but we disagree that this requires an explicit policy to return to 2001 funding outc…

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  4. Professor Craven's proposal for funding additional university places taken up by Conservative Party

    …a full consideration of the fee and student support arrangements in the upcoming Fees Review.” End Notes for Editors 1. Professor Craven outlined his proposals for discounted early fee contributions to fund additional student places in a letter to THE on 2nd July 2009, ‘win win way to square the funding circle’. 2. Established in 2006, University Alliance represents 22 universities at the heart of the sector that are both research-engaged and bus…

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  5. Professor Craven’s proposal for funding additional university places taken up by Conservative Party

    …a full consideration of the fee and student support arrangements in the upcoming Fees Review.” End Notes for Editors 1. Professor Craven outlined his proposals for discounted early fee contributions to fund additional student places in a letter to THE on 2nd July 2009, ‘win win way to square the funding circle’. 2. Established in 2006, University Alliance represents 22 universities at the heart of the sector that are both research-engaged and bus…

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  6. New Chair for University Alliance

    …Portsmouth, as chair of the group. Established in 2007, the Alliance group comprises a mixture of pre and post 1992 universities, which are not members of the other mission groups; the Russell Group, the 94 Group or Million Plus. Professor Craven is about to complete his three year term as chair. Professor Janet Beer said: “I am honoured to be entrusted by my colleagues with this significant position. Professor Craven’s leadership over the last th…

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  7. THE: Letter to the Editor – Language Alliance

    …ance institutions – particularly in French, German and Spanish., and often combined with the study of contemporary European politics or culture rather than literature. In addition, University Alliance members have a strong commitment to institution-wide language programmes that make a great variety of languages available to students from other disciplines even if they have little or no background in the languages from school study. This represents…

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  8. UA’s response to the Migration Advisory Committee’s review of the Graduate Route Visa

    Today (14 May) Professor Jane Harrington, Vice Chancellor of the University of Greenwich and Chair of University Alliance has responded to the MAC review of the graduate route: “Today’s report has highlighted the substantial benefits of the graduate route to the UK. The route is clearly helping the government meet the objectives it set out and should be seen as a significant policy success. Any changes to the graduate route would be an inexplicab…

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  9. Professional and technical universities come top for student experience

    Responding to the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) results which have been publicly released today (28 September 2023), University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “As University Alliance we are immensely proud of the fantastic and innovative teaching at Alliance universities, which today’s published Teaching Excellence Framework results attest to. Currently, over a third (36%) of all Alliance universities in England are ranked gold for teach…

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  10. 8 areas that will affect universities in the coming months

    Pro-Vice Chancellor of UWE Bristol, Marc Griffiths, explores 8 areas which will be influencing the landscape for universities over the next twelve to eighteen months, in his thought piece : “A Changing Wind from all Directions”. Through the report, Griffiths reports on factors both good and bad for the sector, and on opportunities for Higher Education to realign itself with societal challenges and a congested regulatory environment. The factors i…

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