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  1. University Alliance welcome new national centre of university-business collaboration

    …ntact – Andrew Henry, | 07833 236 629 About University Alliance University Alliance is a group of 23 universities offering a distinct student experience shaped by a commitment to delivering world-class research and a culture of enterprise and innovation built on close partnerships with business, the professions and their communities….

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  2. Solid blocks versus blurred lines

    …ciety. For example, another University Alliance project, Growing the future: universities leading, changing and creating the regional economy, demonstrated the integrated and comprehensive way that universities are playing a role across society, as more than simply providers of skills and research. These issues have been high in my thoughts again this week as we launch university_vision, which is aiming to explore the issues and challenges facing…

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  3. Do we really have 'too many graduates'?

    …the challenges of an hourglass-shaped labour market and to remain globally competitive. Highlighting a recommendation from the report she stated that an independent agency should identify indicators of graduate equilibrium and monitor levels to advise government on appropriate levels of investment to ensure public money is well used and the UK is prepared for the hourglass. Dr Paul Sissons, researcher at The Work Foundation, is leading their work…

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  4. University Alliance response to graduate employment coverage

    …should take as well as for individuals and the wider society. The message coming out from the ONS report actually disputes these claims. The level of graduate unemployment, at 18%, is a much lower figure than the last recession when it hit 27% in 1993.This demonstrates how much the economy has changed since the last recession, and will continue to change if we enable it to. The ONS data also demonstrates the greater earning potential for a gradua…

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  5. Too many graduates?

    …r education to facilitate upwards mobility or we can risk seeing increased competition at the low end of the labour market, contributing to increased unemployment and difficulty in finding entry level jobs. Demand is high. Applying market logic would see the total number of student places increased. Instead they have been quietly cut by around 24,000 places compared with last year. Budgets may be limited but we should be stating the case for incre…

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  6. The Economist: ‘Pile them high’

    …In the article “Pile them high”, The Economist argues that ‘Steep tuition fees are not deterring most students. But the attempt to create a market in higher education is off track.” Libby Hackett, Director of University Alliance, comments: “At a time when our global competitors are increasing the number of graduates in the workforce to increase their capacity for economic growth, how can Britain justify a reduction in university places?”…

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  7. Tough times call for joined-up thinking

    …te indicator of the UK’s future economic growth. At a time when our global competitors are increasing the number of graduates in the workforce to increase their capacity for economic growth, how can the UK justify a reduction in places available to young people – especially when there are such high levels of youth unemployment? India, for example, wants to more than double the size of its university system to become a “knowledge powerhouse”, incre…

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  8. It is crucial that we tackle myths about tuition fees

    …s that prospective students need to remember: No upfront money is asked for: the Student Loan Company (SLC) automatically pay the tuition fees. No student will ever be asked to pay upfront. This is true even if someone has the money in the bank to pay for the course. “The system is similar to no win, no fee. If you don’t benefit, you don’t contribute” Liz Shutt, University Alliance Living costs are taken care of: students can apply for an annual l…

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  9. Figures show significant fall in graduate unemployment

    …mand for graduates in our economy – even in difficult times. As our global competitors know, we need more highly-skilled graduates in order to drive growth and economic recovery. These figures show that the value of a degree is worth the investment for individuals and society, raising hopes and prospects for the future. “People should not be put off going to university because of financial concerns or the myth that demand for graduates is drying u…

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  10. BIS Technical Consultation – a new, fit-for-purpose regulatory framework for the Higher Education sector

    …is consultation, as well as our response to the White Paper, we attempt to comment constructively on proposals. However we are eager to ensure that as a new regulatory framework is developed, the Government keep in mind the features of higher education that make our sector world-leading. This period of change will cause inevitable disruption which we believe can be minimised through ongoing consultation with the sector. Universities deliver many s…

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