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  1. HELP UK: A new higher education loan programme: adding to the debate on funding

    …port We need to underpin a higher education sector that can drive the UK’s competitiveness in a global knowledge economy and can anticipate a new labour market shaped by rapid changes in technology, globalisation and increased economic uncertainty. This needs to be about more than just supporting school-leavers entering higher education as the current system does. It needs to be about developing and growing global talent – supporting creativity, i…

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  2. 8th June, Job Ready: Universities, businesses and students creating success

    …creating success Tuesday 8 July, 12.30pm – 2.30pm Churchill Room, House of Commons, London With short speeches from the Rt Hon David Willetts MP, CBI and British Airways We would be delighted if you could join us as we showcase and discuss excellence in universities and businesses working together for the benefit of students and graduates in the UK. The event will see the launch of a new study, Job Ready, which will demonstrate the positive impact…

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  3. The Australian – Retention-based funding could add up

    …hed a report by Libby Hackett, the chief executive of University Alliance, comparing the UK system with that of Australia. While focused on what the UK can learn from Australia, the report suggests where Australia could learn from the UK. “Funding on the basis of retention also provides more options for managing rising rates of non-completion or drop out, which is something that might be more relevant to the Australian higher education sector in a…

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  4. FT – Bring post-student work visas back

    …rsities benefit from being able to tap into the world’s brightest and most committed undergraduates (“Closing the doors to foreign students”, editorial, April 8). Worryingly, though, we are losing international students to competing nations, such as Canada and Australia, due to the UK’s restrictive policy on post-study work visas. Alliance universities (which deliver 50 per cent of all science, technology, engineering and maths courses in the UK)…

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  5. A Student Placement

    …the benefits of doing a placement year enough. It is often said that you become a different person by the time you finish your placement year, and at first I considered this to be another cliché hook to try and entice you into doing a placement… but I was wrong. It is actually true, I know that I have become very different from the timid and inexperienced person I was on my first day, and I can easily recognise that I have grown into a mature and…

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  6. How do we ensure quality in an expanding system?

    …for this new world? We have a strong and an intelligent system, but it is coming under intense scrutiny. From the Office of Fair Trading (closing today) to the Quality Assurance Agency, from Higher Education Funding Council for England to the Higher Education Policy Institute – so many viewpoints, so many interests. There is, of course, a particular interest from the Treasury, reflected in the 2014 grant letter from BIS which specifically asked H…

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  7. Our response to HEFCE's young participation report

    …role in revitalising local economies and providing real opportunities for communities and individuals to prosper. “Perhaps the Government should look beyond their policy of delivering more places for just ABB+ students and consider ways that strong regional universities could have more flexibility to recruit more students from local communities and transform more lives. “Take Teesside University as an example: the percentage in employment for all…

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  8. Make Your Future Happen

    …e and Teach First, to find out what challenges teachers face in delivering comprehensive advice and guidance about higher education and careers to students, and to see how we can best address these challenges. We believe this is an important step in improving the opportunities of people from all walks of life, something which our organisations are deeply committed to. Get involved in the debate and activities: #makeyourfuture F…

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  9. University Alliance calls for a re-think on university funding

    …funding system will allow the sector to grow and diversify in the years to come to meet changing demand. “This HEPI report confirms the decline in mature and part-time students, which is already threatening our ability to equip our workforce for the future needs of the economy. The UK needs to find better ways to support retraining and development opportunities if we are to compete. “Unless we start to address these long-term funding questions abo…

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  10. Our response to the International Education Strategy

    …second most popular destination for international students, we welcome the commitment from Government to build on the existing strength of higher education as a key growth industry. “Research has shown that Alliance universities are the top choice for international students whose top priority is getting a good job. With outstanding graduate employment rates and over a quarter of all students in the UK, they are having a big impact on the economy a…

    Read more of: Our response to the International Education Strategy