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  1. All better now? Actually Hefce, we feel much worse

    Effort to mitigate AAB and core-and-margin effects spells trouble for post-92s. Simon Baker reports – read the full article here. Libby Hackett, director of the University Alliance group of institutions, said: “The presumption that these universities can take the hit is extremely frustrating. “It comes down to a fundamental lack of value attributed to certain parts of our higher education sector by this government.” Alliance universities deliver…

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  2. The research funding debate: why size doesn’t matter

    …REF2014. Our report; Funding Research Excellence, published today provides compelling evidence that research should continue to be funded on the basis of excellence alone. There are many examples of small research units in Alliance institutions that undertake world-leading research and are recognised as such; they have no need to grow in order to prove themselves. Indeed our research shows that quality is a driver of scale and not vice-versa. We c…

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  3. Guardian – The research funding debate: why size doesn't matter

    …REF2014. Our report; Funding Research Excellence, published today provides compelling evidence that research should continue to be funded on the basis of excellence alone. There are many examples of small research units in Alliance institutions that undertake world-leading research and are recognised as such; they have no need to grow in order to prove themselves. Indeed our research shows that quality is a driver of scale and not vice-versa. We c…

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  4. White Paper proposals will narrow access

    …level of investment into student support and widening participation is a reflection of the commitment of these universities but our greater concern is about the consequences of proposals in the White Paper. “By allowing universities that take high-performing students to charge £9K, whilst taking places away from the rest of the sector and giving them to low-cost providers, they are creating a shift in public investment towards the high-achieving,…

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  5. Putting students centre stage welcome, but wider economic vision lost.

    …oking in-depth at the White Paper next Tuesday, 5 July. Journalists are welcome and can register here – About university Alliance University Alliance is a group of 23 major, business-engaged universities committed to delivering world-class research and a quality student experience around the UK. They are universities without boundaries: delivering economic and social growth through close links with thei…

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  6. WHITE NOISE: University Alliance Policy Seminar exploring the White Paper

    …t the White Paper. There was lively discussion and debate about the impact the White Paper could have on the sector, which will no doubt continue over the coming months. We are still looking at the White Paper and refining our analysis, but to give you an idea of our current thinking you can see the presentation Libby and Liz gave at the seminar below. Feel free to leave comments below to keep the discussion going….

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  7. No one has to pay upfront

    …he reason behind the changes and the actual changes. Universities will not come out flusher To make cuts in spending, from September 2012 Government will cease to give universities the cash they currently provide to cover the cost of teaching a degree – the Teaching Grant. Teaching has previously been paid for from direct Government funding (via the funding councils) with around a third being paid for by students once they graduate and earn at lea…

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  8. More than just a degree: stories of empowered students

    …endless possibilities on offer to learn, explore and grow. Politicians and commentators quite rightly ask what we are getting in return for the investment in universities and universities haven’t always been good at explaining or demonstrating this. This is partly because the very aspects that are so valuable and unique about universities, that make the investment so worthwhile, can often seem intangible. Here at University Alliance, an organisati…

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    sophie cousens
  9. University Alliance urges the Coalition Government to provide a vision for the UK economy

    …growth. Public investment in UK higher education is lower than the OECD average – we are lagging behind countries like Poland and Slovenia as well as the US, Canada, Sweden and Germany. Global companies will not invest in the UK without serious public commitments from this Government about their strategic investment in higher education and research.”…

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  10. Graduate recruitment survey is good news for graduates and the economy

    …nterprise are at the heart of Alliance universities – on average, start-up companies established by Alliance graduates generate more than double the turnover of the average English graduate start-up company. As well as building on today’s good news about graduate employability we will continue to work with Government to ensure it creates the right environment for new start-ups.” / end. Notes for editors Examples of a different approach to graduate…

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