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  1. University-Business collaboration is second nature to Alliance universities

    …hing and research staff from industry – 28% of our new academic staff have come directly from the UK private sector, compared to 18% for the whole sector.[1] We hope the Government’s proposed Teaching Excellence Framework will recognise and reward the value this brings to students and their future employers. We also welcome the Royal Academy’s call for an even greater focus on research with impact. “Innovating to meet business need is second natur…

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  2. Open letter to Professor Alison Wolf and Jeremy Warner

    …the professions for which they trained. Nearly all our nursing students become nurses and nearly all our engineering students become engineers. Consequently, we have a huge transformational impact on individuals and communities around the country and on social mobility within society as a whole. Alliance universities actually do many of the things Professor Wolf sees as valuable: breaking the classroom mould of traditional higher education; takin…

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  3. University Alliance responds to BIS’ Postgraduate loans consultation

    …Postgraduate study is vital to ensure ​Britain develop​s​ and grow​s​ global talent. We are looking forward to these loans being made available for all post-graduate students – a sure way to secure the UK’s future competitiveness. However, the government still need to put the higher education funding system on a more sustainable footing. We commented on this announcement earlier this year. See our response here….

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  4. Excellence at Coventry recognised

    …f which Coventry is a member, said: “I am delighted that the ambition of our universities to deliver excellence in new and innovative ways has been recognised. There is no monopoly on excellence. The Guardian league tables are unique in celebrating teaching excellence, an essential component of university excellence but often under-recognised . Alliance universities are committed to offering the highest quality teaching, and lead the way in prepar…

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  5. The hidden value of our university research base

    …d-like robot, KASPAR, that is helping children with autism to interact and communicate with adults and other children. There are hundreds of examples like this across Alliance universities, as highlighted on their Real World Impact website. Hydrogen fuel cell research at Coventry University has led to the development of Microcab, the eco-friendly car of the future. Innovative product design techniques and technologies at Cardiff Metropolitan are l…

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  6. Times Higher Education Young Universities Summit, 29-30 April

    …ties while addressing a number of key issues: how can younger universities compete on the world stage? How do you establish world-class universities without centuries of history and tradition? How do young universities develop a niche research strategy? These and other burning questions such as the leadership challenges facing less established universities, funding and the pursuit of excellence, and distinctiveness and branding in a competitive gl…

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  7. University Alliance responds to Budget 2015

    …ersities are working collaboratively on a new doctoral training scheme built around joint research strengths in Applied Biosciences for Health. This will involve industry in design and delivery to ensure that researchers emerge with skills relevant to industry. “We also welcome the UK-wide competitive fund for new cutting-edge science facilities. Sustained investment is central to the success of the research and innovation ecosystem. But, as we ar…

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  8. New technology improving water quality monitoring

    …d approaches that rely on infrequent spot sampling, and was designed to be compatible with existing analytical procedures used in commercial laboratories. In 2000, when the European Union’s Water Framework Directive was established, Portsmouth’s researchers were invited to take part in a large European funded project testing several sampling techniques including Chemcatcher. Extensive field trials demonstrated their device’s effectiveness and led…

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  9. Improving football player performance

    …d application of a computerised data analysis system (Prozone). This has become the world-leading match analysis tool, growing the turnover of Prozone Ltd to almost £10 million per year. Its clients include all of the English Premier League clubs, the English senior men’s national team, 64 per cent of the 92 English professional football clubs, as well as a substantial international client base. FEx’s research has also changed how elite clubs mana…

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