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  1. Improving the sustainability and profitability of UK construction

    …teering group set up by the UK government assessing the effectiveness of current frameworks for construction. Public sector organisations in England are now required to take account of the steering group’s report recommendations when making decisions about procurement. The Scottish Government is also building these recommendations into their future plans. Image credit: Cranes by Mark Turner Back to Real World Impact…

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  2. New technology improving water quality monitoring

    …d approaches that rely on infrequent spot sampling, and was designed to be compatible with existing analytical procedures used in commercial laboratories. In 2000, when the European Union’s Water Framework Directive was established, Portsmouth’s researchers were invited to take part in a large European funded project testing several sampling techniques including Chemcatcher. Extensive field trials demonstrated their device’s effectiveness and led…

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  3. Improving football player performance

    …d application of a computerised data analysis system (Prozone). This has become the world-leading match analysis tool, growing the turnover of Prozone Ltd to almost £10 million per year. Its clients include all of the English Premier League clubs, the English senior men’s national team, 64 per cent of the 92 English professional football clubs, as well as a substantial international client base. FEx’s research has also changed how elite clubs mana…

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  4. Turbo-charging the engines of the future

    …ossil fuels is to improve how vehicles are powered. Turbo-charged internal-combustion engines are seen as the solution for the foreseeable future. The Automotive Council identified in a recent report that this challenge would require universities to link up their research with industry and also tackle the shortage of highly skilled engineers. Over the past seven years, the School of Computing and Engineering and the School of Applied Sciences at H…

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  5. Food research improving safety standards and growing the local economy

    …nd medium sized businesses, are keen to gain a bigger slice of this highly competitive global market. But it is vital that the food products we buy are safe to eat. When researchers at Cardiff Metropolitan University surveyed food handlers in Wales, they found that while food handlers were aware of what was required to promote food safety, a lack of time, staff and resources meant they were not always doing it. Almost two thirds of those who had r…

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  6. Improving Healthcare

    …ealth professionals. Through collaborations with doctors, hospitals, local communities and governments, they conduct world-class research across the spectrum of healthcare and medicine. Their research is improving the quality of healthcare, changing service provision and improving public health policy. This includes involving patients to co-design new health products and services, developing innovative diagnostic tools to assess and treat chronic…

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  7. Alliance universities allocated almost £9 million of new support funding for postgrads for 2015-16

    …ards of £10,000 to students on a matched-funding basis. Sam Jones, Head of Comms at University Alliance, said: “This is a positive announcement for Alliance universities which together have almost 80,000 students on postgraduate taught caught courses – 18 per cent of the UK total. In areas such as Architecture, Allied medicine and computer science our share is even higher with 29%, 26% and 23% respectively. “Postgraduate study is vital to ensure ​…

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  8. Alliance universities to receive almost a quarter of HEFCE investment to boost STEM teaching facilities

    …ll undergraduates on STEM courses and half of our universities’ research income comes from STEM-related areas. “This funding for Alliance universities will help ensure even more students can benefit from our state-of-the-art teaching and facilities, and get the high-tech, problem-solving skills that modern employers and our world-leading science and research base need.” Notes HEFCE announced the 73 universities and college that will share the £200…

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  9. University Alliance responds to science investment announced in Autumn Statement 2014

    …support for science and research demonstrating the government’s continuing commitment to invest in excellent research, wherever it is found. Professor Andrew Wathey, Lead Vice-Chancellor for Research Policy​,​ University Alliance, and​ Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive, Northumbria University, added: “As the ​Chancellor has today acknowledge​d,​ it​ is​ vital to invest in our research base to ensure that the UK remains amongst the world’s top sc…

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  10. University Alliance responds to Growth through People report

    …University Alliance, welcomed the Growth Through People report from the UK Commission for Employment and Skills, adding “We wholeheartedly agree universities and employers need to work together to ensure the skills students are learning are relevant and up-to-date, and most importantly flexible to changing demands of the labour market. University also offers students the opportunity to expand their minds and broaden their understanding, and this a…

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