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  1. Smart Specialisation Hub Annual Report 2017

    …ommunities. They not only attract students and skilled staff from elsewhere but also businesses which choose to invest in places where the expertise and facilities of a university are readily available. When it comes to the industrial strategy, universities offer critical strengths as anchor institutions which can be captured in three broad points. Read the full report here….

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  2. THE: Industrial strategy boosts university-industry engagement funding

    …Times Higher Education’s coverage of the Industrial Strategy white paper highlighted the government’s pledge for a key role for universities in regional growth and commitment to increasing university-business collaboration funding. The piece also reaffirmed the government’s commitment to a “major review” of tertiary education funding. Our response to the white paper also features in the article. You can read our full statement here….

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  3. Research Fortnight: Focused funding needs strong foundations

    …egy white paper, which will reveal still more about the shape of things to come. The government’s priorities are already pretty clear. The additional £7bn of investment promised between now and 2022 will go on innovation and near-to-market research. We know that certain sectors and technologies will be targeted and can anticipate greater detail on the nature of the challenge areas announced previously, including artificial intelligence and driverl…

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  4. Perspectives on learning and teaching – Review of TEA Pilot#1

    …ts forms, it is far trickier to be explicit about what makes them excellent. Enter the TEA. The Purpose of the TEA Alliance universities are, and always have been, committed to teaching excellence, with a strong emphasis on technical and professional education. Building on this, the TEA develops, defines and champions our universities’ distinctive teaching excellence, as well as supporting continuous improvement and professional development for te…

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  5. Programme Design: can the hare beat the tortoise?

    …sts that we can have a new normal, a faster normal, a more effective normal. Effectiveness is key. A new course will only be judged a success if it engages each and every student in learning and the world of work, building their social capital and preparing them for life. At our recent Teaching Excellence Alliance Sandpit, inter-disciplinary teams did precisely that. They designed largely complete programmes in just 24 hours. How did we do it? The…

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  6. Sheffield Hallam University: Criminology

    …at previously won the British Society of Criminology Teaching Award in 2014. It also reflects the commitment of staff involved to provide an outstanding student experience. The project was shortlisted for an HEA Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence in 2016. Contact with external partners is sourced through the Sheffield Hallam University’s award-winning Venture Matrix Scheme, which has been delivering experiential learning opportunities acr…

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  7. Wonkhe: Replacing EU structural funding post-Brexit

    …tes to each region but also the balance of resource afforded to skills development, business support, R&D and so on. The Framework would replace objectives set at a European level and could be subject to oversight from an independent ‘Shared Prosperity Commission’. As anchor institutions, universities are principal enablers of structural fund-supported projects in their region, often providing large amounts of cash for match funding, waiving overh…

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  8. Response to announcement on student finance at Conservative Party Conference

    …he fairest option. It should provide a boost to recent graduates when they need it most. “We look forward to working constructively with the wider review announced today. It is right to look again at the parameters of the current system. A world class higher education system gives the UK a competitive advantage but the costs must be shared as fairly as possible. “Our goal is to ensure that Alliance universities can continue to deliver the leading…

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  9. UA responds to Government’s EU science and innovation position paper

    …aboration is not just about money though: working across borders gives us access to a much bigger community of researchers and helps us address the biggest challenges facing the world. Continued excellence in UK research and innovation requires an open and welcoming approach to researchers at every stage of their career.”…

    Read more of: UA responds to Government’s EU science and innovation position paper