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  1. Helping disadvantaged students: Pulling down the barriers for care leavers and carers

    …undations for this success were established in 2010/2011 when Salford CAN (Community Action Network) was established. One of the first activities was the Care Experienced Mentoring Programme supporting children in care in Salford Schools and Children’s Homes. Looked after children are mentored by Salford students who are either care-experienced, students on the MA Social Work programme, or both. The university also leads on the training of foster…

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  2. THE: Tackling inequality must be core university mission, report says

    Our report Supporting thriving communities: The role of universities in reducing inequality has been featured in Times Higher Education. You can read more here about our report – which identifies strategies for success in widening participation drawing on evidence from across the sector. We’ve also brought together a number of case studies which reveal how our universities are playing an essential role in supporting people and communities to succ…

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  3. University Business: Government set to miss higher education targets

    …from widening participation backgrounds and ensuring they achieve good outcomes once they arrive. “But we cannot and must not rest on our laurels, and as this report shows, there is a risk that unless progress accelerates, the Prime Minister’s ambitious targets will be missed. More needs to be done right across the sector to identify potential and talent wherever it exists, so that intakes reflect the whole community. A helpful first step would b…

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  4. UA responds to the Stern Review of the REF

    …n advisory role to Research UK when it is formed. Environment and impact should be assessed at Panel level within the REF so that challenge-based and interdisciplinary research are fully captured. Consultation should take place with the research community on establishing common currencies and units to measure impact. The REF must retain a selective staff approach to avoid contractual changes which would be to the detriment of the UK research ecosy…

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  5. Success at Guardian University Awards 2016

    …aims to recognise leaders who inspire the confidence and support of the HE community. Coventry University also took home the Business Partnerships award. The University of Huddersfield won the Buildings that Inspire category – while Plymouth University was runner up. The Social and Community Impact award went to Nottingham Trent University on the night. Teesside University and Kingston Universities were both runners up in the Student Experience ca…

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  6. Success for four Alliance universities in HR excellence in Research Awards

    …he potential of researchers. Kingston University has achieved the European Commission HR Excellence in Research Awards, while Manchester Metropolitan University has retained theirs following a two-year self assessment. University of Huddersfield and Plymouth University also retained their Award following their four-year self-assessment. Institutions who achieve the Award commit to undertaking an internal assessment after two years and an external…

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  7. Standing out from the IT crowd: how do we make Britain a world leader in digital skills?

    …on digital skills to help inform the ongoing Science and Technology Select Committee inquiry on Digital Skills. The event, at the London offices of Google UK, involved representatives from universities, sector bodies and business, and was chaired by Nicola Blackwood, Member of Parliament for Oxford West and Abingdon and Chair of the Science and Technology Committee. The discussion covered three themes – schools, higher education and employers. Rea…

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  8. How can the HEA’s Embedding Employability Framework be used to help universities engage employers?

    …inations of Leavers from Higher Education Survey (DLHE) and HMRC data as a common metric for graduate employment. The arguments against this have been well-rehearsed in recent months: many believe there are methodological issues with DLHE, and linking what someone has learnt as a result of teaching to whether they have a job is problematic. Like many others across the sector, the HEA suggests in its response to the Green Paper that student employa…

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  9. Campus wellbeing: Festival offers a health boost for body and mind

    …y do so, to get involved in a wide range of activities. “The University is committed to the health and wellbeing of all its staff and students and we strive to provide a working and studying environment where people feel happy, relaxed and empowered to take time out from their regular routines and try new activities which can have a positive impact on their day to day lives.” The Festival of Wellbeing is an extension of the Health and Wellbeing Fo…

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  10. Health networks & partnerships: Developing a greater understanding of treatment of wounds and skin defects

    …ing a small sample of the patient’s skin. This is an autologous suspension comprising the cells and wound healing factors necessary to regenerate natural, healthy skin, which can be used to restart healing in unresponsive wounds, to repair burns using less donor skin yet with improved functional and aesthetic outcomes. A partnership was set up in 2015 between Avita Medical Ltd and the University of Huddersfield’s Institute of Skin Integrity and In…

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