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  1. All Universities need to raise our game on access and participation – University Alliance response to the Office for Students consultation

    …tution’s progress but they must enable the public to compare like with like. Institutions face completely different challenges and take in very different intakes. We look forward to seeing the proposed templates in the new year. “The onus is on universities to put in place high-impact strategies and plans – but a stable, sustainable funding regime in future is absolutely essential. Politicians of all parties claim to prioritise social mobility. Th…

    Read more of: All Universities need to raise our game on access and participation – University Alliance response to the Office for Students consultation
  2. Impact on policy: Matthew Hibbert

    …HIV/STI prevention scientist and as a HIV/STI Information Analyst. He hopes his research will raise awareness of the issue, not just among men, but women and trans people as well and lead to the development of interventions that benefit the LGBT+ community. The findings could be used to inform policy and service provision in sexual health settings, and also raise awareness of inequalities experienced by the LGBT community in general and be used t…

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  3. Energy case study: Stephen Austin

    …ions and to seek solutions to improve the current problems that surround us. His interdisciplinary research has potential industrial applications: where enzymes could be used in the production of biofuel and biomaterials such as carbon fibre. Following successful research, proteins could be commercialised in attempts to convert waste material into useful (clean) energy for the environment and hence bring about a possible reduction on the overrelia…

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  4. Congratulations to Maddalaine

    …the Office for Students and UKRI, as well as two general elections and the UK’s vote to leave the European Union. University Alliance will be recruiting a new Chief Executive over the coming months, with Liz Bromley, Deputy Vice Chancellor at the University of Central Lancashire, currently serving as Acting Chief Executive. We thank Maddalaine for her energic and committed leadership during her time with University Alliance and wish her the very b…

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  5. Enterprise Stars 2018 – the winners

    …ayloads, in what will be the first civilian space mission to launch in the UK. The Stratobooster delivery system would significantly reduce costs for the regular delivery of small payloads into space. The pair already have a number of customers engaged in the platform which would be located on Teesside University’s campus. Sophia Bannert, an Architecture Master’s student at Oxford Brookes University, won £1,000 for her Bee-Able App. This aims to t…

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  6. Debbie Jenkins, PGCE teaching training course

    …schools. She did a master’s in Special Education Needs near where she lives in Wales, and then applied for the PGCE teacher training course at UWE Bristol. Changing careers was a massive decision for Debbie. She was studying full-time on the course which was a big commitment with her family to think about too. I was very determined and it was great to use my brain again. My tutors were always there to listen, chivvy me along and offer extra suppor…

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  7. THE: UK’s elite universities ‘still have social justice problem’

    …h at a University Alliance-hosted event on degree apprenticeships this week. Commenting that the National Audit Office has warned of a “two-tier system developing where the most disadvantaged attend the lowest-ranked providers”, Mr Halfon said that some universities might not deserve the tag “elite”. “Perhaps we should regard universities as elite only if they are providing a real ladder of opportunity to the disadvantaged,” he said, stating that…

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  8. THE: NUS calls for ‘minimum living income’ for post-16 students

    …gher and further education funding in England to create a minimum living income for students. Maddalaine said: “Too often, student poverty has been missing from debates about higher education funding. The NUS Poverty Commission report is an important corrective to this, highlighting the challenges which many students – particularly those from working-class backgrounds or studying part-time – face in accessing and succeeding in post-16 education. “…

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  9. Wonkhe: Helping everyone get the most out of degree apprenticeships

    …universities with a long history of strength in technical and professional education are extremely well-placed to deliver degree apprenticeships and – indeed – these universities are embracing the programme. Read the full article here. Today, Robert Halfon MP, chair of the Education Committee, gave a speech at our panel discussion on degree apprenticeships. You can read the full speech here….

    Read more of: Wonkhe: Helping everyone get the most out of degree apprenticeships
  10. University Alliance responds to the MAC inquiry on overseas students

    …ter to Professor Alan Manning, chair of the MAC, we supported Universities UK’s (UUK) submission to the Inquiry which highlighted the importance of the international market to UK higher education. The economic evidence is clear with international students representing £10.8 billion in export value, 206,600 jobs and a net economic benefit of £20.3 billion. The value is also social as international students contribute to diverse campuses, aiding the…

    Read more of: University Alliance responds to the MAC inquiry on overseas students