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  1. Smart Specialisation Hub Annual Report 2017

    …ed in their surrounding region with missions that support local people and communities. They not only attract students and skilled staff from elsewhere but also businesses which choose to invest in places where the expertise and facilities of a university are readily available. When it comes to the industrial strategy, universities offer critical strengths as anchor institutions which can be captured in three broad points. Read the full report her…

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  2. THE: Industrial strategy boosts university-industry engagement funding

    …Times Higher Education’s coverage of the Industrial Strategy white paper highlighted the government’s pledge for a key role for universities in regional growth and commitment to increasing university-business collaboration funding. The piece also reaffirmed the government’s commitment to a “major review” of tertiary education funding. Our response to the white paper also features in the article. You can read our full statement here….

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  3. Research Fortnight: Focused funding needs strong foundations

    …egy white paper, which will reveal still more about the shape of things to come. The government’s priorities are already pretty clear. The additional £7bn of investment promised between now and 2022 will go on innovation and near-to-market research. We know that certain sectors and technologies will be targeted and can anticipate greater detail on the nature of the challenge areas announced previously, including artificial intelligence and driverl…

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  4. Perspectives on learning and teaching – Review of TEA Pilot#1

    …tices, some of which are in the table below.               Our overarching commitment is to transforming the life outcomes for our diverse student cohorts through the development of social capital and an emphatically inclusive approach. The distinctive quality of Alliance education, and the basis for a collective edge, is the relationship between our progressive teaching and learning practices, and the particular context within which they are enac…

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  5. Programme Design: can the hare beat the tortoise?

    …de the tortoise approach to design a long time ago. In fast fashion and in computer software, for example, businesses and consumers have been reaping the benefits of fast cycle design for many years. The IT industry lives and breathes ‘fast’ at all levels. Most undergraduates joining us this year can scarcely imagine that we used to wait several months for a new season of clothes to roll into the shops. But fast cycle design for higher education?…

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  6. Sheffield Hallam University: Criminology

    …udent aspirations, welcome them as members of a large and diverse learning community and foster a sense of identity and belonging. To deliver all on all of these, their approach included a strong co-creation element. To increase the students’ confidence and develop graduates’ capabilities they used challenges posed by public, charity and social enterprise organisations. For example, South Yorkshire Police provided a remit to develop and deliver te…

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  7. Wonkhe: Replacing EU structural funding post-Brexit

    …re continuity and prevent the abandonment of projects that are approved or committed while Britain remains in the EU’. As for the successor programme itself, we have an opportunity to replicate the strengths of structural funding while removing the less popular aspects. As with the current programme, funding should continue to be allocated to regions according to need using appropriate indicators. Together with these new metrics, a National Framew…

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  8. Response to announcement on student finance at Conservative Party Conference

    Commenting on today’s announcement on student finance, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Of the many potential changes to the student finance system which have been mooted in recent weeks, raising the repayment threshold for graduates is the fairest option. It should provide a boost to recent graduates when they need it most. “We look forward to working constructively with the wider review announced today. It is right t…

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  9. UA responds to Government’s EU science and innovation position paper

    …its predecessors has achieved significant added value for participants and Britain’s research base is stronger as a result. Collaboration is not just about money though: working across borders gives us access to a much bigger community of researchers and helps us address the biggest challenges facing the world. Continued excellence in UK research and innovation requires an open and welcoming approach to researchers at every stage of their career.”…

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