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  1. Alliance Student Nurses Ready To Join The Fight Against Coronavirus

    …tion’s nurses. We know that many of our students will want to play their part to deliver care during these unprecedented times, and these arrangements offer exceptional steps to enable that.” “Our members are deeply committed to serving their communities and stand ready to work with government and others to finalise the details, and to support and advise final year students who may wish to enter the workforce early.”  …

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  2. University Alliance responds to Higher Technical Education Review consultation 

    …els of taught and apprenticeship provision exist, whether immediately upon completion of an HTQ or later in life. HTQs will not be seen as a high quality, prestigious route if they do not have this progression and transferability built in from the outset. There will need to be a concerted effort to ensure the proposed IFATE approval process will be “streamlined, straightforward and timely”. Better transparency on decision-making and communication…

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  3. University Alliance Welcomes New Network Lead, Dr Isabel Spence

    …together senior staff from across the membership to share ideas and tackle common issues together. Isabel has worked in the education sector for over ten years, within parliament, the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy, the Microbiology Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry. She specialises in STEM education and skills and most recently has worked as a consultant for organisations working in this field. CEO Vanessa Wilson…

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  4. UUK Highlights the Role of Degree Apprenticeships

    …orld experience of an apprenticeship has been hugely successful and highly commended by employers. However, only one in five young people understand the application process and even fewer how the courses are actually structured. This report recommends making more Degree Apprenticeships available and campaigning to raise awareness of the fantastic opportunities they offer. University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said “Degree apprenticeships are an a…

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  5. Made At Uni- The Nation’s Lifesavers

    …gh court Portsmouth University Student led health clinics for the homeless community Oxford Brookes Physical exercise to support Parkinson’s patients Nottingham Trent University Creation of 3-D printed synthetic organs to train surgeons Manchester Metropolitan University Arts for Heath- Using the arts to transform health and wellbeing University of Huddersfield Using gaming to tackle abuse against women Kingston University Collaborative drama proj…

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  6. We’re failing students unless closing the attainment gap is a priority

    …and would like to see this embraced more widely by the sector. While the recommendations in this report are welcome, and will hopefully go some way towards ensuring it is not just a handful of universities doing the heavy lifting on access and attainment, there is also an important role for government and the Office for Students. Introducing measures that truly recognise and reward universities for the progress they make in tackling this inequalit…

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    mind the gap
  7. University Alliance responds to ONS announcement on student loans

    …of living. The vital national importance of a qualified, skilled workforce of the future has not changed as a result of today’s announcement. Delivering this must be the primary focus of the Review of post-18 Education Funding and the forthcoming Comprehensive Spending Review. University Alliance will be working with our partners in both the FE and HE sector to make the case for overall total investment in tertiary education, particularly skills,…

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  8. University Alliance Response on Accelerated Degrees

    …both of modern life, and an increasingly diverse cohort of learners. We welcome the aim of this announcement, which mirrors many of the points raised in our recent ‘Ladders of Opportunity’ report. To make this policy work, it will require a strong maintenance support package to incentivise student take up. Full alignment with the OfS regulatory framework will also give confidence to students around the rigour and quality of their courses. In all o…

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  9. All Universities need to raise our game on access and participation – University Alliance response to the Office for Students consultation

    …t they must enable the public to compare like with like. Institutions face completely different challenges and take in very different intakes. We look forward to seeing the proposed templates in the new year. “The onus is on universities to put in place high-impact strategies and plans – but a stable, sustainable funding regime in future is absolutely essential. Politicians of all parties claim to prioritise social mobility. The Post-18 Education…

    Read more of: All Universities need to raise our game on access and participation – University Alliance response to the Office for Students consultation