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  1. The DTA is Intersectoral- Part 3

    …tunities and benefits for her career. As she put it, “It was my dream to become a scientist, hopefully working in a research centre. In the UK there are lots of opportunities for research scientists and it is a recognised marker around the world.” Arantza’s research crosses barriers between Chemistry and Biology, as well as academia and professional research, as her PhD is run jointly by UCLan and the Pirbright Institute, a research facility looki…

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  2. Teesside’s Net Zero Ambitions

    …n economy For the past two decades, Teesside University has been at the forefront of the regional effort to establish a hydrogen economy and this expertise is driving forward an ambitious £11m project to support hydrogen innovation in the Tees Valley. Together with Durham University, Teesside has embarked upon the four-year project which has received funding from the Research England Development (RED) Fund, part of UK Research and Innovation. The…

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  3. How Anglia Ruskin University’s Live Brief modules are enhancing graduate employability

    …ience, the student choir now acts as a performance group for ARU events. In 2022/23, 96 different Live Briefs like these ran in modules across all five ARU faculties, supported by 101 professional partners and benefiting 5,989 students. All-round engagement with an active curriculum ARU’s investment in our Live Brief strategy has been considerable. It ensures that students relate the knowledge and skills they are developing to real-world problems….

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  4. Digital transformation is key to boosting student experience

    …tems brought down by hackers. Not to mention the staffing pressure.   Since 2014 the number of higher education students in the UK has increased by 400,000, while in the same time frame 15,000 academics have left the sector, pushing up the staff-to-student ratio dramatically. These are thought provoking statistics to say the least, particularly as UCAS predicts UK universities will see one million applicants by 2028.   The trend is clear – univers…

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  5. #WeAreInternational blog: Faustina Edward

    …University before I arrived and based my decision on what I’d read on the website and Kingston’s reputation. It turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve made.” Faustina’s work at home in Saint Lucia saw her named a highly commended runner up in the 2018 Queen’s Young Leaders Awards. She was recognised for revitalising an after-school assistance programme for secondary pupils in Anse-la-Raye, a fishing village on the Caribbean Island, while…

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  6. Under attack: it’s time universities responded seriously to the worsening threat of cybercrime

    …spite being one of, if not the most, frequently attacked sectors above telecoms and defence, higher education spends only a fraction of the amount that other sectors can afford on cybersecurity. The nature of these institutions (highly distributed, extremely collegiate, with lots of autonomy and decision-making units) means that it can be hard to get buy-in when proposing to spend more money on system upgrades, better security, and more integrated…

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  7. Virtual panel explores future of apprenticeships in Hertfordshire

    …time when employers in this country have been more invested in the skills coming out of the school, college or university gates. Globally there’s massive skills shortages in many areas, from construction to software development, so we really do have to invest in building the skills pipeline.” Speaking after the event, Professor Quintin McKellar, Vice-Chancellor at the University of Hertfordshire, said: “It’s clear that training providers and empl…

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  8. Why study at an Alliance university?

    …nce universities rated highly for employability in this year’s Graduate Outcomes Survey, with 83% of UA graduates reporting that they are in some form of work 15 months after their course completion. In fact, the newest member of the Alliance, Anglia Ruskin University, rated as one of the top five universities in the country for graduate employment. What’s more – 86% of UA graduates said that their current activity is meaningful. Alliance universi…

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