Case studies

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  1. Low energy thermometers at Anglia Ruskin University

    When academia and business work together to share ideas and expertise, solutions to often complex problems often emerge. This ‘knowledge exchange’ has helped one enterprising business resolve one particularly sticky challenge. Ever wondered how a sweet manufacturer ensures that their toffees have the right level of stickiness? Not so sticky that it clings to the […]

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  2. Green skills for a low carbon post-COVID transition

    Green Skills Understanding the skills that will be required by local organisations to support a low carbon post-COVID-19 transition to a cleaner, fairer economy and society in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. Overview The transformation to a low carbon and less environmentally destructive economy in the UK will lead to significant changes across sectors and occupations, but […]

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  3. Investigating wildfires in the UK

    VIEWPOINT: Anglia Ruskin expert looks at why these fires are becoming more common by Fabrizio Manco, Anglia Ruskin University The army has been called in to help firefighters deal with a huge wildfire on Saddleworth Moor, Greater Manchester, where residents have been forced to evacuate. Wildfires are also blazing across Northern California while the issue of bushfires in Australia calls […]

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  4. Energy-SHIFTS: developing Europe’s energy policy by integrating Social Sciences and Humanities

    Energy-SHIFTS “Energy Social sciences & Humanities Innovation Forum Targeting the SET-Plan” will contribute to a EU European Energy Union that places societal needs centrally, by further developing Europe’s leadership in using and applying energy-related Social Sciences and Humanities (energy-SSH). Energy-SHIFTS activities will target over 10,000 stakeholders and begin with scoping activities including: accessible guides to SSH in EU policy; workshops on SSH […]

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  5. Creating a low carbon building economy at Birmingham City University

    The team behind a precision software tool that will support a UK-wide shift to a low carbon model within the new build and retrofitting markets were awarded £1.5 million by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Birmingham City University (BCU). BIRMINGHAM CITY UNIVERSITY EcRoFit, the result of two years of research into zero-carbon retrofitting […]

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  6. Creating a new national park for the West Midlands

    Landscape architecture academics at Birmingham City University have partnered with a number of organisations, including West Midlands Combined Authorities, to establish a national park for the West Midlands that provides multiple benefits to the city, the landscape and its inhabitants. Research background – repositioning the West Midlands Professor Kathryn Moore and Dr Anastasia Nikologianni, based […]

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  7. Welsh semi-wild ponies and maintaining biodiversity and agricultural sustainability

    Project Overview The Welsh semi-wild pony is currently managed by upland commons farmers but is in decline, from 10,000 over a century ago to 760 at last count (Murray 2006). However, because of their grazing action, this pony is critical to the maintenance of biodiversity, and its inclusion in the farming repertoire could enhance grassland […]

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  8. Building employment opportunities and eco-furniture at Coventry University’s FabLab

    People in Coventry are being offered opportunities to develop their employment prospects and access training, thanks to an eco-friendly furniture factory in the city. Coventry University’s FabLab Coventry has opened the factory in Fargo Village, a short walk from Coventry University’s city centre campus – unveiling it earlier this summer with a launch event marking the company’s fifth anniversary. As […]

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  9. FOOdIVERSE project: diversifying sustainable and organic food systems

    Overview Food consumption significantly influences resource use and the environmental effects of food production and distribution. Currently a rather homogenous group of well-educated and affluent consumers is strongly interested in organic food. The mainstream food supply chains and their governance are characterised by a food regime that creates large quantities of standardised food. A more […]

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