Case studies

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  1. The Newham Plays – Middlesex University

    The impact achieved Created, produced and written by Dr James Kenworth, and directed by Dr James Martin Charlton, both long-term residents of Newham, the Newham Plays are a series of localist-focused plays rooted in Newham’s history, culture and people. Performed in site-sympathetic locations in Newham, East London, they feature a ‘mixed economy’ casting of young […]

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  2. Electrical Impedance Tomography – Middlesex University

    The impact achieved  This research project has pioneered the use of Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT), which can be used to image organ function in real time (100 images/second). Compared with existing technology it is highly portable, inexpensive and lends itself readily to remote imaging to save lives. The project’s key impacts are: Provision of imaging […]

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  3. Professor Steve Olivier

    Professor Steve Olivier joined Robert Gordon University in September 2020. He is an experienced leader in the higher education sector, both in the UK and internationally. He has held leadership positions in Scottish, English and South African universities. Prior to joining RGU, Professor Olivier held the role of Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the University […]

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  4. Food recycling: waste solutions through city-scale food recycling policy are developed and tested in China – University of Brighton

    Food recycling: waste solutions through city-scale food recycling policy are developed and tested in China Food waste is a major problem worldwide. It makes up 30-40 per cent of household waste in the Global North and 60-70 per cent in China. Failure to enable householders to sort their waste for recycling, composting or reuse is at the heart of this global environmental challenge […]

    Read more of: Food recycling: waste solutions through city-scale food recycling policy are developed and tested in China – University of Brighton
  5. Humanitarian business: Our innovation strategy is helping disaster-affected third world relief funds – University of Brighton

    The challenges facing international humanitarian action are growing in scale, scope and complexity. According to the United Nations report the gap between the amount of money needed to meet the basic needs of disaster affected communities and donations received is increasing. Innovation dedicated to improvements in both the effectiveness and efficiency of humanitarian relief initiatives and expenditure have, consequently, […]

    Read more of: Humanitarian business: Our innovation strategy is helping disaster-affected third world relief funds – University of Brighton
  6. Inclusive arts practice: reaching new understandings of what is truly inclusive – University of Brighton

    Participatory, inclusive arts practice can combat isolation, prejudice and exclusion. It provides meeting points, public platforms and common experience for diverse groups of people. Importantly, though, the best examples move beyond arts participation for health interests alone, and challenge simple art-as-service models. Alice Fox’s research at the University of Brighton is establishing a deeper understanding […]

    Read more of: Inclusive arts practice: reaching new understandings of what is truly inclusive – University of Brighton
  7. Enhancing public policy delivery through the application of GIS network-based accessibility techniques – USW

    The application of research and innovative tools developed by the University of South Wales has enabled government, national sporting bodies and charitable organisations to improve their decision making and strategic planning to better support the delivery of the services they provide. Driven by a need to understand spatial and social inequalities in the provision of […]

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  8. Smarter, greener energy solutions – Teesside University

    Researchers at Teesside University have developed smart tools that automatically adapt to changing energy demand and production. This work has led to more accurate predictions of energy need and a significant reduction in energy wastage. And, in collaboration with industry, Teesside University research has enabled wind energy to be integrated into the National Grid – […]

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  9. Driving digital inclusion – Oxford Brookes University

    Creative digital projects for young people A groundbreaking project is helping thousands of marginalised young people to find a sense of belonging by combining art with technology to express themselves. The project – called AGAST (Avant-Gardes and Speculative Technology) – is the brainchild of Dr Eric White with Professor Alex Goody and John Twycross from University College, […]

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  10. Using data to improve young people’s lives – Oxford Brookes University

    Dr Rozana Himaz’s expertise in development economics is improving young people’s education and health in some of the world’s poorest countries. Using large surveys and statistics, she provides the evidence needed for investment and action from key global organisations. Rozana’s long-term research into the value of education underpinned the World Bank’s decision to invest $100 […]

    Read more of: Using data to improve young people’s lives – Oxford Brookes University