
Read blogs from members across the University Alliance and from the UA policy team

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  1. With the right support, universities can help power an economic, social and cultural recovery

    First published in Public Sector Focus on 28th April 2021. Written by University Alliance Chair, Professor Debra Humphris.  The nation’s universities have played a vital role on the frontline and with vaccination efforts during the pandemic. University Alliance Chair and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Brighton Professor Debra Humphris believes the government should now harness […]

    Read more of: With the right support, universities can help power an economic, social and cultural recovery
  2. Kingston University remembers Emily Hughes, winner of the Braveheart Award at the Alliance Awards 2020

    Emily Hughes, winner of the Braveheart Award in the Alliance Awards last year, was a driving member of KU Cares – a programme at Kingston University which supports care leavers, students experiencing estrangement, young adult carers and forced migrants into and through higher education. Emily sadly passed away after a long battle with cancer, in […]

    Read more of: Kingston University remembers Emily Hughes, winner of the Braveheart Award at the Alliance Awards 2020
  3. University Alliance launch ‘Driving Academic Diversity in their Media Voices’ campaign with live online panel event

    Yesterday, we launched our campaign ‘Driving Academic Diversity in our Media Voices’, which aims to take practical action to support greater numbers of diverse academics to engage with the media. To mark the launch, we hosted an online event, where a panel of speakers addressed the importance of media diversity, and how the higher education sector can […]

    Read more of: University Alliance launch ‘Driving Academic Diversity in their Media Voices’ campaign with live online panel event
  4. Star Award winner at Alliance Awards 2020 highlights her award-winning work

    Written by Ali Bushnell, Student Communications Co-ordinator at Coventry University and 2020 winner of the Star Award Well, what a year that has been! Working in student communications has never been more important as a majority of our students have been working online over the past 12 months. Keeping them informed and up-to-date with the […]

    Read more of: Star Award winner at Alliance Awards 2020 highlights her award-winning work
  5. The DTA celebrates International Women’s Day 2021 with an ‘in conversation with’ talk

    To celebrate International Women’s Day 2021, the DTA brought together four women in leadership roles within the programme, who are at different stages of their career. Following the theme for #IWD this year, Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a Covid-19 world , the ‘in conversation with’ chat was facilitated by Dr Cheryl […]

    Read more of: The DTA celebrates International Women’s Day 2021 with an ‘in conversation with’ talk
  6. Vaccines, R&D and the Budget

    This blog first appeared on the Higher Education Policy Institute on Wednesday 3 March.  With the latest news that every adult in England will be offered a vaccine by the end of July, it is worth reflecting on the immense local and national collective endeavour required to realise this target and, on Budget day, we […]

    Read more of: Vaccines, R&D and the Budget
    Beth Button
  7. Supporting student mental health during the pandemic and beyond

    Written by Vice-Chancellor of UWE Bristol and University Alliance board member Professor Steve West Good mental health enables students to learn, work and strengthen their communities. As universities, it is crucial that we support students who are experiencing mental illness, identifying those at risk and intervening as soon as possible. But we also have a […]

    Read more of: Supporting student mental health during the pandemic and beyond
  8. Digital teaching and learning: time for a blended approach

    Written by Professor Mark Simpson, Pro-Vice Chancellor at Teesside University and member of the University Alliance Teaching and Learning network  Sir Michael Barber’s review of Digital Teaching and Learning provides much food for thought. At the time of the review, I was Chair of University Alliance (UA)’s Teaching and Learning network, so had the pleasure […]

    Read more of: Digital teaching and learning: time for a blended approach
  9. Obsessions with outcomes won’t deliver the flexible revolution

    The government will not succeed in its efforts to increase flexible and modular provision until it ends its obsession with narrow student outcomes, argues Susanna Kalitowski. This article first appeared in Wonkhe, on 09 Feb 2021 With the pandemic-induced recession meaning even greater numbers will be needing to upskill and retrain, never has there been […]

    Read more of: Obsessions with outcomes won’t deliver the flexible revolution
    Susanna Kalitowski